syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Intro to #etmooc

Hello MOOC!

I chose to make a screencast of myself in Minecraft to introduce myself. See that exciting effort below. I’m from Denver, CO and I’ve participated in a few open courses, including #change11, a constructivist MOOC. I’m excited to see how this course takes shape and I’m looking forward to learning with all of you.…

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Getting organized for my first day of #etmooc- Jan 14th 2013

IMG_2015So today is the big day, and I’m ready to take off into the virtual world. I am very thankful to Susan Spellman Cann who sat me down and showed me my to do list for this evening….. Looking forward to getting back into on-line learning and connecting with others.…

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What is a MOOC? What are the different types of MOOC? xMOOCs and cMOOCs

See on Scoop.itMOOCs and me

The acronym “MOOC” has been in vogue recently, with lots of discussion about organisations like udacity, coursera and edX. The acronym stands for “Massive Open Online Course.&#822…

Keith Brennan‘s insight:

Over at reflections and contemplations ( a slightly differnt, though overlapping taxonomy.

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Another year, another MOOC.

I shall use this space to blog as part of my participation in etmooc. The name refers to the warning given by police in the US to supsects when making an arrest, the wording of which includes the phrase “You have the right to remain silent” and the warning that “anything you do so may be used against you in a court of law”.

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Learning – Motivated by MOOC Madness

I believe in serendipitous learning. For those educators who are connected online, or consider themselves to be part of a professional learning network or  PLN, such learning opportunities present themselves with regular frequency. Readers who have followed my blog for the past year know how exited I was when Darren Kuropatwa sent me an email suggesting that I might like to participate in a free, “massive open online course” or MOCC called Digital Storytelling – DS106.…

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Registered for etMOOC course starting tomorrow.

Hi All, I am Paul Pivec and even though I am an experienced developer, nothing is ever easy. I have an existing web site running under wordpress, which I use for my academic bibliography. However, I have never used a blog on this site, just utilised the static pages.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs