syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Humans vs. tech: Reflections on #et4online

Let me start with the ending. I left the Online Learning Consortium’s 8th Annual Emerging Technologies Symposium inspired. But I was also struck by a game at play that has been going on forever. It was tiring – exhausting really – to see this game played out again.…

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Do We Count in #rhizo15?

I will eventually return to finish my series of posts on ethics in MOOCs, or swarm ethics, or rhizo-ethics, but Dave Cormier has issued a second challenge for #rhizo15, and I want to respond.His challenge: Get out there and count! What can we measure that isn’t learning?…

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Same as it Ever Was – The Global Freshman Academy

When will people stop applying the Gartner Hype Cycle to MOOCs?  Wednesday’s announcement of the new ASU/edX partnership, the Global Freshman Academy (#CollegeMyWay), is the freshest coat of lipstick on the acronym.  I won’t get into the details or various criticisms (George Siemens and Jonathan Rees do a stupendous job as always, as does John Warner over at Inside Higher Ed), but suffice it to say, charging more than a community college to take online courses designed for didactic learners or adult learners fails to engage the stated visions of both ASU and edX.…

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Same as it Ever Was – The Global Freshman Academy

When will people stop applying the Gartner Hype Cycle to MOOCs?  Wednesday’s announcement of the new ASU/edX partnership, the Global Freshman Academy (#CollegeMyWay), is the freshest coat of lipstick on the acronym.  I won’t get into the details or various criticisms (George Siemens and Jonathan Rees do a stupendous job as always, as does John Warner over at Inside Higher Ed), but suffice it to say, charging more than a community college to take online courses designed for didactic learners or adult learners fails to engage the stated visions of both ASU and edX.…

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Building Online/Blended Course Environments

I was recently invited to speak with the  #eLearnOnt “Game Changer” series where I discussed various options around building online and/or blended course environments via Google Hangout. I began with traditional LMS options and moved to the more nebulous concept of “Small Tools Loosely Joined” course/environment design.…

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#OTRK12 Session & Sharing Our Outline | On The Rise K-12: Enhancing Digital Learning begins tomorrow! I am honoured to be facilitating a learning session entitled ” Professional Learning: Onground + Online = Super Visibility ”  and it’s for school and system leaders. Here’s my session description:   How do you find the sweet spot?  …

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Learning subjectives – designing for when you don’t know where you are going

In the first week of #rhizo15 Dave asked us:

How do we design or own and others learning when we don’t know where we are going?

How does it free us up?

What can we get done with our subjectives that can’t be done with objectives?…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs