syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Why I teach

So #ccourses this week has asked the question why do I teach? And the answer is: Do I still teach? I am an instructional designer now rather than a face to face classroom educator. And I’ve never taught at a university, though I do teach adults.…

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A creative writing MOOC to reclaim MOOCs

One of the earliest problems with the MOOC phenomenon was discord:  on one side there were distance/online education scholars devoted to digital learning as a transformative opportunity, on the other AI and Machine Learning mavens (whose models focused on the Tech side of EdTech) who were largely unaware of existing methods and progress and saw EdTech as a mechanism of convenience/ease/economy.  …

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Building d.Teams with DEEPid

N.B.: This post can also be found on the #dtk12chat community page.

I’ve been talking with more people about design thinking (DT) lately, and the question about how to do DT within classes consistently resurfaces. It’s a great question, and, to be honest, I myself have been thinking for quite some time now about how to incorporate DT into our Latin program.…

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Life in Links 2014-09-16

Some things I’ve added to Pinboard recently.

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Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Luke Dowden, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Receives OLC Award

Dr. Luke DowdenCongratulations to Dr. Luke Dowden of University of Louisiana at Lafayette for receiving the Online Learning Consortium’s Bruce N. Chaloux Award for Early Career Excellence in Online Education !

The OLC Awards recognize the tremendous advances in online learning that result from the ideas and initiatives of individuals and colleges and universities globally.

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A Tale of Two Sentences: Rhizo14 Auto-ethnography

I have to start somewhere with the actual prepositions in the Rhizo14 auto-ethnography, so I will cherry pick a sentence from the accounts written by Maha Bali and Sarah Honeychurch.

A few months ago, I became aware of some online textual analysis tools from Voyant Tools, but this is the first chance I’ve had to use them.…

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Increase flow of operating resources to needed youth orgs

This is a graphic I’ve used many times to illustrate how people from any part of the Chicago region can be encouraging friends, co-workers, family, etc. to support tutor/mentor programs in high poverty neighborhoods with time, talent and/or dollars.

This is a graphic showing the home page of the Boston Indicators Project which I wrote about in an article on the Mapping for Justice blog.…

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Connected Courses

This looks at first blush like a MOOC about how to make a MOOC, without ever mentioning MOOC. The line-up is stellar and the format looks very well thought out. Sign me up! As a member of CCK08, the first Connectivist MOOC in 2008, followed by many others, I am looking forward to this new course as a redefinition of shared courses online.…

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Padlet: A Quick and Easy Collaboration Tool

Padlet (formerly Wallwisher) is hardly a new tool, but it is easy to use and very versatile, so it is definitely worth checking out or revisiting. Basically it is a blank wall online, and people add sticky note posts to the wall which will expand as needed.…

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New course and a new app

Last week I started the MA in Distance and On-Line Education at the Open University.

During the gap from studying my last course to this, as well as having dyslexia, I have also been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Since the diagnosis I have been taking anti-psychotic drugs which are having an adverse effect on my short term memory.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs