It’s not you…it’s me (a momentary reflection on instructional design for distance learning)

I am currently designing instruction for which I will not be present.  That’s really hard for me.  

It’s so weird.  It’s like brushing my teeth with my left hand: doing a task I am very familiar with in a very unfamiliar way.  …

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Joining #etmooc to Connect and Learn

I finally took the plunge and joined #etmooc! I have been watching the course grow and evolve online for a few years now but I had never actually jumped in and signed up. I was always worried that I didn’t have the time (still a bit worried about that) but after successfully completing my first MOOC in 2012, I feel like it’s time to give this a try.…

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#etmooc intro

I’m just about to embark on another MOOC.   In etmooc I’ll be contributing to  conversations about:   social/participatory media, blended/online learning environments, digital literacies, open education, digital citizenship/identity, copyright/copyleft, and multimedia in education. Right up my street then!

The first task is toCreate an introductory post, video, podcast, slideshow, etc.,…

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