#etmooc #ltis13 Mappa: sorveglianza, intercettazioni, attacchi mirati

Propongo una mappa su  un tema quanto mai attuale come si evince dagli articoli di oggi pubblicati da


Cliccare su «Sorveglianza intercettazioni e attacchi mirati» per accedere alla mappa.…

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Professional Learning Project (The Beginning)

Well… we have officially started our project! Both Dianne and I are collaborating on this project together as our research interests are very similar.  We both have always looked at ways of incorporating culture and technology into our teaching so we wanted to include both of these elements into this assignment.…

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What now?

I just finished my Ed.S. in Instructional Technology. Since finishing my degree, I have been inspired to take my career to the next level. I have been working on several new projects since August. The first is an iBook for my class.…

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What now?

I just finished my Ed.S. in Instructional Technology. Since finishing my degree, I have been inspired to take my career to the next level. I have been working on several new projects since August. The first is an iBook for my class.…

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