To Cyberspace, With Love

Lately my world is consumed by my MOOCs. I love how even in the most mundane activities, like watching a movie, serendipitously, I discover a sudden revelation and relevance to my MOOC experience. This weekend, I finally had the chance to see Woody Allen’s To Rome, With Love, the fourth in a series of film tributes to Europe.…

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just blogging about blogging

Alert: meta blogging ahead!

This coming week is a blogging week on both #ETMOOC and Multi(literacies) MOOC. In addition to asking participants to blog and share feeds, Vance reactivated the Multiliteracies group blog on Posterous. Week 2 etM facilitator, Sue Waters posted, “Learning through blogging as part of a connectivist MOOC,” which she describes as, “more of an intro to the pedagogical aspects of blogging as opposed to the technical.”…

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Get ready to MOOC

Let’s get some vocabulary straight first.


MOOC stands for Massive Online Open Course.

Massive” stands for the scale, a MOOC is open to an indefinite amount of students, and that can mean a positively huge amount. At this point the number of students registered for the EDCMOOC has reached the 36 000 mark, and counting.…

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Hey #ETMOOC, I just met you, and this is crazy but…

Last year, at this time, my husband and I received the news that our best friend from our college days had been diagnosed with two brain tumors. He passed away about six months ago. He was 47 and left behind two small children, ages 10 and 6.
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EdcMooc: #1 “Are you my people?”

A favorite childhood story, Are you my Mother? by PD Eastman tells the story about a baby bird whose mother leaves her to secure food.  The impatient baby bird embarks upon a journey to discover who her mother might be … Continue reading

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