The People Piece: Passion and Curiosity

Earlier this month, Mark wrote a post called Webmaker 2013: Product + Community, and we’ve seen a slew of posts that talk about the evolution of Webmaker from the product perspective, so I thought I would write a little about the people piece.…

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Stars are Born!

I believe that we can engage children and have them truly own and demonstrate their learning success by incorporating multimedia learning in the classroom. This belief was reinforced by a few projects that I worked on with a class of Grade One students who I had the pleasure of working with for the past six weeks.…

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When reading about 21st century learning I often come across the term “curation”.  Beth Kanter defines content curation as  ”the organizing, filtering and “making sense of” information on the web and sharing the very best pieces of content that you’ve cherry picked with your network” (be sure to read the whole post).…

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