Connected Learning

Recently, I attended an #ETMOOC session on connected learning. (To find out about more about this course, please read this previous post.) Below are my thoughts as well as a project proposal for Abbot School.

In today’s world, if you want to know how to do something, you don’t have to wait.…

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Google Gives Good Online Course Design

Recently I took part in Google’s Mooc “Powersearching” delivered with their own (of course) LMS built using Course Builder.

Using a clean design, clear activities and assessments, built-in community and communication, I had the opportunity to learn in my own style, to suit my personal needs and interests, to particpate in a community and get immediate feedback.…

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Advanced Power Searching, A free MOOC from Google

Advanced Power Searching with Google begins on January 23, 2013! Register now to sharpen your research skills and strengthen your use of advanced Google search techniques to answer complex questions. Throughout this course you’ll also: Take your search strategies to a new level with sophisticated, independent search challenges.…

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Observations on ETMOOC Week 1 – People, Processes and Stuff

For a few years now I have been following the annual Horizon Report.

The internationally recognized New Media Consortium (NMC) Horizon Report is a comprehensive research venture established in 2002 that identifies and describes emerging technologies likely to have a large impact over the coming five years in education around the globe.…

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Tips Up or Tips Down?

cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo shared by courosa

I just returned from the grocery shopping with my five-year-old son. As we approached the fruit section, my curious little guy asked, “Do bananas grow with tips up or with tips down?”…

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Design Project

This design project was produced for the ‘Understanding elearning’ unit of  MSc Multimedia and elearning. It consists of a series of video tutorials for using spreadsheets.  They were created using Camtasia Studio software, and follow principles for instructional design.   This will be discussed in the design project rationale, to follow.…

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