Embedding employability in the FE curriculum with about.me

Last week I was speaking to an FE colleague about the different ways that TEL can be used to embed employability skills into textile courses. As part of the discussion we were talking about blogs which got me thinking about the about.me

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Image if all the people in all the world shared what they knew

Over the past few months I have been lucky enough to meet an inspirational bunch of people who not only enthuse passion but are also exited about sharing their knowledge in order to help others grow. I really feel like I made the right decision in becoming a learning technologist and have found my ‘tribe’ so thank you to everyone who has helped to make this happen.…

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4 Ways to Use Google+ Hangouts in Online Courses

Faculty eCommons

Learn more about Google+ Hangouts for online learning:
Attend Flipping Group Presentations with Google+ Hangouts on Air and VoiceThread to discover real-life, adaptable uses of Hangouts in online learning. Michelle Pacansky-Brock will interview Brad Belbas of ……

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Piazza: Create a Support System to Enhance Students’ Learning Experience

Faculty eCommons

In an online learning environment, instructors often use discussion boards to facilitate class Q&A. While discussion boards are excellent asynchronous tools for communication that promote critical thinking skills, they lack the structure and design to ……

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TED-Ed: Flipping Videos into Interactive Lessons

Faculty eCommons

TED-Ed  is a free website that contains a growing video library for educators and learners to use as educational lessons.
Like TED Talks, TED-Ed promotes the sharing of ideas and collaboration—it lets you “flip” a video, ……

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AudionoteYesterday at #rscinspire13 Chris Barber introduced his audience to the AudioNote app for iPads and iPhones which I immediately downloaded and am really excited about using. The software seems to be exactly what I’ve been missing – an application that can cope with audio and visual note talking whilst cross referencing both at the same time.…

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JISC Y/H Summer Conference 2012 #rscinspire13

Today wasn’t like a normal Wednesday, I didn’t get up at 6, I didn’t eat breakfast in the car and I didn’t drive to Derby. Instead I had a lie in, caught the train to Leeds and almost had a heart attack as I undertook the nerve raking task of delivering my first conference presentation.

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A learning technology advisor is…

Last week I started my first position as a Learning Technology Advisor. Although I’d specialised in Information Learning Technology at my previous place of work this role is completely different and I have lots of exciting things to look forward to once I get over the ‘argh, I don’t know how to do anything stage’ that I’m currently experiencing.
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Visual.ly: Easily Turn Complex Data into Attractive Stories

Images and storytelling are deeply ingrained within human history as ways of sharing ideas—it’s no surprise they’re are also effective for teaching and learning.
On a mission to tell stories with data, Visual.ly lets you easily ……

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