Dr. Alec Couros- continues to inspire me


January 14, 2014

To Whom It May Concern:


As a former student participant in #Etmooc2013 I would love to nominate Dr. Alec Couros for the Teaching Award of Excellence for Flexible Learning. I joined #Etmooc in January 2013 as a relative rookie to the field of educational technology.…

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5 Things I Learned This Year

As the calendar turns from 2013 to 2014 I find myself looking back over all that has happened in the last twelve months. The year has been filled with great experiences. Because I am not teaching in the classroom I don’t have to plan lessons and correct so I have much more time in the evenings and on weekends.…

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Passion and Compassion for 2014

Hopefully, this post is the first of many in the coming year.  After all, that is going to be one of my goals for 2014–write every day.

Professional Highlights of 2013

Professional Highlights of 2013

2013 was a year of change and growth, learning and stretching. …

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Explore PLN (failure/success)

Technically I am a MOOC failure. One more data point for those who are tallying the high drop out rate for MOOCs in news stories across all media these days. A disappointment to Jeff Merrell and Kimberly Scott who facilitated Exploring Personal Learning Networks (#xplrPLN.)…

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How Being Connected had Impacted my Classroom

World Influence

I totally love the above picture. I took this a few minutes ago from my wordpress statistics and it shows a map of everywhere in the world my blog has been read. Imagine…. that my thoughts have been shared with people on almost every corner of the globe.…

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Connecting Today

This morning I participated in the following Connected Educator event*
Unfortunately the original key speaker was unavailable due to illness. However we had the pleasure of being able to work with Roz Hussin https://plus.google.com/117219403239374562288#117219403239374562288/posts
who agreed to facilitate the session in Stephen`s place.…

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Teens are Natural Learners if we Let Them Fly

Loved this Ted Talk about the positive things teens are doing online. Adults need to *learn* to be connected educators, but many teens do it naturally.  Love to hear about these ripples….

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