Open Content Toolkit

IMG_0462 by Communications Mann Attribution License

The purpose of this wiki is to provide a gateway to contemporary and historical open digital media content from media archives and collections around the world. It is a space to explore, discuss and share examples of the use of open media at all school stages and at all levels of education.

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Web Literacy Map 2.0

Like many education folk I follow Doug Belshaw for lots of good reasons. This week I bumped into Doug at Opening Educational Practices in Scotland Forum and launch (a lot to digest from that). Doug reminded attendees about the Survey: 5 proposals for Web Literacy Map 2.0 he is organising.…

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Web Literacy Map 2.0

Like many education folk I follow Doug Belshaw for lots of good reasons. This week I bumped into Doug at Opening Educational Practices in Scotland Forum and launch (a lot to digest from that). Doug reminded attendees about the Survey: 5 proposals for Web Literacy Map 2.0 he is organising.…

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The Struggle to Define Our Jargon – Excerpts from MOOC Research

Note: I will use this space over the next month to share excerpts from my dissertation The Evolution & Impact of the Massive Open Online Course. The research was a Delphi study bringing together 20 MOOC experts to discuss the MOOC in educational, political, and sociocultural terms (slides from the oral presentation can be seen here).

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An Opportunity to Model Learning in the Open: OOE13

This school year, our district has worked to transform the culture of professional learning to one of Professional Learning Communities and collaboration. One of the aspects of this transformation is the idea that teachers are the “lead learners” in the classroom.

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What Are You Thinking?

Photo Credit: jDevaun via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: jDevaun via Compfight cc

Recently, this post was shared with me on Twitter:

Screen shot 2013-08-10 at 9.05.52 AM
It’s a very good look at the need to communicate and respond in many ways to all the stakeholders in the school community.
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Why Not Share?

One of my favourite parts of #etMOOC was our time exploring open learning. @cogdog (Alan Levine) collects stories of open learning and sharing here.  It is a concept I am committed to, and my own personal stories of open sharing are dear to me.…

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Open for/to Learning

After a great #etmchat on March 6, I had the realization that, because of the old-school things I enjoy, I’ve been part of the open movement for a long time. In fact, I’ve been part of it much longer than I’ve known such a thing existed or what to call it.
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