January 27

I have had several new positions in the last few years and I admit, my PLN has suffered for it, especially when I moved from teaching middle years content to teaching K-3 Physical Education while working as a VP in a large elementary school.  …

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Connections & Connecting

Photo Credit: cbucky via Compfight cc

This past few weeks has been all about connections for me – and they (the past few weeks, that is) have been pretty well a blur too! First off being a connected educator has been the theme over the first few weeks of the course I teach here at BU’s Faculty of Education called 03.467, Internet for Educators (#I4Ed is our twitter hashtag devised by one of my students).…

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Connected Learning and PLN: ETMOOC 1

The first time I heard about PLN was last year in an educational technology course at New Mexico State University. I learned that PLN is about connecting with others through the web to create a knowledge building community in which we learn from each other and expand learning of each other through sharing the resources and ideas about o topic of interest. 

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How Important Is Connected Learning?

How important is connected learning?  This is one of the questions participants in #ETMOOC are being asked to consider right now.  Connected learning is incredibly important for me.  Part of that has to do with the type of work that I have been engaged in for the past 7 years.  …

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Reflections on Topic 1 … Newton’s First Law.

Some of the questions posed during this #etmooc topic are ones I’ve explored before. Given the affordances which today’s communications technologies provide, it would be remiss (negligent?) not to reflect on how we might leverage the potential they might offer. So my explorations of the issues raised by “What does my PLE/PLN look like?…

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Personal Learning Neighbourhood

A few days ago, Ben Wilkoff posted From Network to Neighbourhood, a reflection on the cul-de-sacs of his personal/professional learning network. This morning I was walking when I received a message from Jabiz Raisdana who teaches on the other side of the planet.…

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Why Collaborate?

So much has been happening this week: working on report cards, meeting with colleagues on our School Improvement Team to plan for our up-coming School Effectiveness Review, and following the “happenings” on #etmooc.  And all the while, I’ve been “curating” (which to me means absorbing the new information and giving it time to curate while I reflect on it) – that’s my new word of the week.…

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Building Neighborhoods #etmooc #midleved : an invitation


We’re building a new neighborhood. Want to visit for a while?

As I learn more about PLNs through #etmooc, especially from @bhwilkoff, I realize I have a responsibility to help find and support the sub-committees that have a common focus.  …

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Visualizing PLNs

I have spent a lot of time this week pondering connecting. It’s been the overarching theme of the first weeks of my Internet for Educators course at BU. I joined #ETMOOC and the first topic was connected learning. I’ve heard speakers talk about it.
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Who is in your Anti-PLN? Or, Avoiding TeamThink.

After thinking about the ways in which we can develop incredibly insulated learning networks, I wanted to create a way to find alternative voices. Eventually, I stumbled across the idea of creating a profile for the types of people that aren’t represented in my networks and then going after them.…

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