Telling or Teaching?

I picked up this 1937 Teachers Quarterly for a $1 at a market over the summer. It was really for a bit of a laugh to read and look at how much had changed.

Screenshot 2015-09-13 at 10.20.10

But I was a little surprised to see that after all these years, educators are continuing to send the same messages.…

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New beginnings

I always love the opportunities new beginnings offer you and this week my new beginning was starting at a new school. Usually a time of trepidation and nerves I found myself full of excitement and a sense of feeling like I was truly at home.…

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#beerpedagogy and a new culture

On the weekend I attended the #beerpedagogy tweet up.  I always look forward to a #beerpedagogy event, and no not because of the beer!  You may be wondering what on earth #beerpedagogy is and it is probably just as you think.  …

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#DCMOOC- A Fresh Start at Digital Citizenship

As a high school counsellor, parent and educator I value life long learning. #DCMOOC is a connectivist MOOC, which means it thrives on how students learn with and from each other. I am excited to start this adventure as I hope it will provide me with a flexible opportunity to connect with others who are reflecting on the importance of teaching and modeling digital citizenship.…

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We hold the answers

This week I have been sent a newspaper article and a blog post, both of which resonated strongly with me and probably shows me that people know me well.

The first came as a tweet “@medg56 RT @Kenjaneth13: A 10 year old who sees the world as it is and envisions the way it should be

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Mixed Messages

I have been reading about this initiative on the WISE website about lifting the public image of education in Chile.  They are working on changing the perception of education in the public and increasing the image. It has got me thinking about the messages we send out, often without thinking, which impact on the public image.…

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Why it’s time to say goodbye to report comments

Over the break I spent a lot of time catching up with family and friends, enjoying the festive season.  It seemed that everyone I caught up with had something to say about their child’s school report coming home without comments.

Due to the Australian Education Union’s latest stage of industrial action, many Victorian teachers chose at the end of last year to ban any written comments and numerical assessment data on student reports.…

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Learning – Motivated by MOOC Madness

I believe in serendipitous learning. For those educators who are connected online, or consider themselves to be part of a professional learning network or  PLN, such learning opportunities present themselves with regular frequency. Readers who have followed my blog for the past year know how exited I was when Darren Kuropatwa sent me an email suggesting that I might like to participate in a free, “massive open online course” or MOCC called Digital Storytelling – DS106.…

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All this talk about testing

If you live in Australia and read or watch the news there isn’t much chance you missed the breaking news last week that Australia’s Education System is a disaster.  In fact you wouldn’t be mocked for thinking that it might be end of education with words like lacklustre, disappointing, flat line, doubt, disaster. …

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