Rehearsal Notes Migrating South for the Winter

I keep moving my concert band rehearsal notes between my own blog and my class blogs. For my next grading period I’m going to be trying some different strategies (thanks to etmooc) with my student blogging assignments.…

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Help! How Much is Too Much?

Photo Credit: Stéfan via Compfight cc

The Situation

I’m blogging with three different music performance classes. Band I  – an entry level high school performance class, Band II for our more experienced high school musicians, and Jazz Ensemble – which is sort of a Band III and it’s reserved only for students who can pass an audition and are very serious about music and music performance.…

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Advanced Blogging

Image: ‘string of pearls’
Found on

Had an amazing session with Sue Waters. This was the first session where I really felt I was “getting it” I was able to listen to Sue, communicate with others in the chat, I collected some great resources and learned a few new tips and tricks that will definitely help me be a better blogger, teacher, and member of the online education community.…

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Spending Time, Saving Time… Thinking and Reflecting

I caught two etmooc sessions this week, but I was not able to give my undivided attention to the Blackboard sessions due to work and family obligations. I plan on heading back this weekend when I have a chance to watch the two recorded sessions.…

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Getting Organized

At the beginning of last week I said to myself – what is a MOOC? Today I’m through my first week of ETMOOC and so far it’s going very well. What is a MOOC? I’ll let this video explain:

The resources organized on the ETMOOC blog were very helpful, but most helpful was the second part to the previous video by Dave Cormier entitled Success in a MOOC.…

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ETMOOC – Twitter, Social Bookmarking, and Curating Content

Participated in two live sessions on the ETMOOC so far. Yesterday was a short session about Twitter and today we had a session on social bookmarking and content curation. The Twitter session was helpful – but mostly it talked about the tech side, which I’m already familiar with.…

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Welcome ETMOOC

This spring I’ll be participating in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Educational Technology. As a music teacher with twenty years of experience I have been ( for the past three or four years) been trying to use blogging in my music classrooms to help students discus music beyond the rehearsal hall.…

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