#etmooc Introduction (Yes, another MOOC!)

I’ve been experimenting with some presentation tools for my scientific and technical presentations course. I’m teaching it this spring semester. I’m also taking another (more well-organized) MOOC led by Alec Couros: #etmooc.

It should be loads of fun. Anyway, here’s the introduction I put together for the first week activities: #etmooc Introduction.…

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Gearing up for #etmooc

(Image adapted from picture by Ed Yourdon on flickr CC)

Let’s use technology in class for learning. (Image adapted from picture by Ed Yourdon on flickr CC)

You know what makes me cringe? When a professor complains about his not paying attention in class “because they’re on their computers [dramatic pause] facebooking!”…

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Ed-Tech and Media MOOC Invitation

While many of you who find yourselves here may already been in the loop on this, I wanted to take the opportunity to invite readers who may not be yet to participate, lurk, or test the digital waters of an open online learning experience being offered by some of my internet colleagues in the new year.…

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I am educator. I am me.

I have been thinking lately about how I conduct myself on social media.  After reading George Couros‘ blog post on Professional vs Private I reflected on my own use of social media.  I too have tended to separate my personal life which generally lives on Facebook and my professional life which predominantly lives in Twitter.  …

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“It’s Not Going Away”

My brother George recently wrote the post “Denying Our World” where he recalls a compelling narrative that causes him to reflect upon what it means to live ‘online’ and our associated imperative as educators to teach to this reality.…

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My tweeps are coming with me

[Note: this post began as a comment I left on a post by Maria Anderson (@busynessgirl on twitter). She announced she’s heading to a new job. I recently did that, too…]

As I announced recently, I’m leaving UBC and Vancouver for a new position at the University of California, San Diego.…

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#etmooc (Written June 2012): Why Networks Matter


Dr Alec Couros is presenting at The PLE Conference 2012 in Melbourne this week. Here’s how I know..his call out for responses floated past in my twitter stream last week.

@courosa, as a teacher, learner and social networker I’m drawn to respond to your question “Why do (social) networks matter in teaching and learning?…

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Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to San Diego I go!

I have really exciting news: In August, I’ll be leaving UBC and Vancouver to take up the position as Associate Director of the Center for Teaching Development at UC San Diego! The new Director, Beth Simon, has gotten everyone fired up about learning how to be better instructors.…

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The Story Behind That Twitteraholic Post

There’s always a story behind what inspires bloggers to write specific posts.

Unfortunately we aren’t always able to include that aspect in our posts :(

Maybe it is me?  But often the story behind the post is just as intriguing and fascinating as the post.…

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