Ethics for MOOCs: Assertive Humility

So in my last post I introduced the idea that engagement of complex spaces such as in cMOOCs requires ethical choices. We must define the open, shifting space to make sense of it, deciding what is valuable and what is not, what is in, what is out, and how it should be arranged.…

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Ethics for MOOCs: Complex vs. Simple Learning

I’ve just written two things that have left me dissatisfied, and both of them had to do with ethics. The first was a long comment on France Bell’s post Cycling between private and public in researching Rhizo14 about the recent article she wrote with Jenny Mackness, Rhizo14: A Rhizomatic Learning cMOOC in Sunlight and in Shade.…

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Anarchy as Freedom To

I found myself perplexed about the use of the word power in Wednesday’s (2015.02.11) #moocmooc Twitter chat, especially by the implication that anarchy is defined primarily by resistance to power and, hopefully, freedom from power. I appreciate Nick Kearney(@nickkearney) pointing out that anarchy as a word starts from a rejection of rulers (though my dictionary says that the word comes from the …

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#moocmooc & Critical Pedagogy

I’m following #moocmooc’s exploration of critical pedagogy, and this week I read Chapter 4, “The Promise of Critical Pedagogy in the Age of Globalization” in Henry A. Giroux’s On Critical Pedagogy (2011). As near as I can tell, Giroux’s argument goes something like this:

We are under the threat of a neoliberalism that is 

dismantling the safety net of the state, 
defining democracy in terms …

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Deleuze, Serres, and the Desires of Prepositions

What I propose here is a travelog, the flow and emergence of an idea. I want to ride the Chattooga River of my blog posts over the past year, and along the way, I want to map the desires of prepositions and determine what the desires of these little words have to do with the ways we conduct higher education.…

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Connections, Flows, and Freire in #moocmooc

I’m taking a break from prepositions—at least from writing about them—to talk about MOOCMOOC and critical pedagogy. MOOCMOOC assigned reading for this week included Chapter 2 of Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1993). It’s been many years since I read Freire, and it’s pleasant to see how my latest readings are re-informing my understanding of him now.…

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The Desires of Prepositions

I’ve been using the phrase desires of prepositions without explaining what I mean. Partly I did this because I’ve had to work my head around the idea. It started with an intuition and some amusement over the juxtaposition of two terms that are usually not used together in the same conversation, much less the same sentence or phrase.…

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Immanent Mappings or Transcendent Tracings?

I thought I might be finished talking about prepositions and meaning, but more ideas keep coming that inch me closer to talking about the desires of prepositions.

In my last post, I argued that the meanings of words—perhaps the meanings of all words, but certainly the meanings of prepositions—is context-bound.…

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Immanent Mappings or Transcendent Tracings?

I thought I might be finished talking about prepositions and meaning, but more ideas keep coming that inch me closer to talking about the desires of prepositions.In my last post, I argued that the meanings of words—perhaps the meanings of all words, but certainly the meanings of prepositions—are context-bound.…

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Prepositions and Meaning

In his Conversations on Science, Culture, and Time (1995) with Bruno Latour, Michel Serres suggests that prepositions mean almost nothing or almost anything, which turns out to be about the same thing. In my last post, I considered how the preposition into in the Rhizo14 collaborative auto-ethnography (CAE) linked a wide range of entities and actions to create an incredibly rich, self-organizing,…

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