syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Using video to shift instruction – Part 2

After my presentation on “Using video to shift instruction” at the 7th Virtual Round Table, I kept doing more research on the topic of using video to achieve different goals. It seems to me that this is one of the areas which can really help me develop instructional lessons for my specific teaching scenario.…

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Are You Nuts? (Maybe just a little…..)

As the e-Learning Coordinator for my Board, I have the opportunity to promote online learning and build teacher capacity in this area. I have logged countless, lonely kilometers crisscrossing the Board in an attempt to work and learn with teachers and model the use of the #vLE.…

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Sliding Out through Rhizo14

I’m sliding outwards, across the boundaries and just in time.

One of the most important results of Rhizo14 for me has been my connection to educational thinkers outside of North America and Western Europe, the West. In a series of articles for Hybrid Pedagogy, Maha Bali (Egypt) and Shyam Sharma (originally Nepal, now in New York, USA) tackle the issue of working with and speaking to the …

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Quality Matters Standard 1: A Review

QMOver the next two weeks, we will be going over each Quality Matters Standard and pointing you towards suggested Faculty eCommons resources that apply to each standard. Today, we will start with Quality Matters Standard 1.

QM Standard 1

Course Overview and Introduction: The overall design of the course is made clear to the student at the beginning of the course.

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Do You Have A Tenacious Verve?

In this podcast I discuss a tweet shared with me by Andrew Stillman, which he accuses me of having a tenacious verve as a convener of roundtables.

I also ask the question as to whether or not we should all have this trait within our schools and districts.…

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Summer Reading and Discussion

Cognitive Surpluss
Now that summer is fast approaching (and since I’m long overdue for a blog post), I’ve been thinking about what sorts of professional development I’l be doing over the next few months. Last summer, I spent a lot of time at conferences, and while it was a fantastically productive period of time, this summer I’m looking forward to doing more reading and reflection on the past year of experimentation.
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What I’m Using: Adventr (choose your own adventure video creation)

I just got my invite, and I really like the idea of creating choose your own adventure videos. It does require a lot of planning, but I really would love to make a “personalized” video experience for some flipped PD. What would you use this platform for?…

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#DCMOOC- A Fresh Start at Digital Citizenship

As a high school counsellor, parent and educator I value life long learning. #DCMOOC is a connectivist MOOC, which means it thrives on how students learn with and from each other. I am excited to start this adventure as I hope it will provide me with a flexible opportunity to connect with others who are reflecting on the importance of teaching and modeling digital citizenship.…

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You’re only a 2-minute pause away from peer instruction

No matter what course you teach, one of your course-level learning outcomes should be that students will think more like experts in your field. They won’t be experts yet, not after one course or even an undergraduate degree, but they can think in more expert-like ways.…

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Quality Matters Changes To Anticipate in 2014

Starting in July, QM is implementing a number of changes related to the course review process to improve the rigor of reviews and to provide more services to subscribers. These changes include naming protocols, new review services and process changes, requirements for Peer Reviewers, a new QM Review Manager Certification and a fee change.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs