syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

ART THERAPY: We All Wear a Mask

One of the innovative projects I am pleased to work on this year involves a collaboration between myself, another counselling colleague and our art teacher.

BCHS Spectrum Club’s mission is to bring people together and spread a message of love and acceptance.

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Being Disruptive

​Image courtesy:
When the concept of blended learning was first introduced to me in OLTD 502 I was fascinated by it.  The concept of merging face-to-face instruction with online instruction was so innovative. I could see the potential.  Blended learning is a promising approach with the potential to transform Canadian higher education.
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Neural Pathway to the Flipped Classroom

Photo credit: Coronal MRI Brain Slices Colorized by Tracy Abildskov on Flickr cc
On May 7th 2015 I listened to an amazing talk and it changed the direction of my career plans. It was the annual professional development offering at VIU, a symposium on Successful Student Learning, and there was a presentation in the morning session entitled “Flipping to engage our Learners” that caught my interest.
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OneNote Help Wanted


I am looking from help on this one. Perhaps from one of the many #MSIEExpert folk on twitter.

I’ve a small class of pupils, with 1-2-1 iPad Airs 1s.

After having syncing problems with using the Word iOS app I switched to using a OneNote Class notebook for some distribution and collection of ‘work’.…

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Roof Repair In Pascagoula

Are you looking for Roof Repair In Pascagoula that you can afford? CALL 228-285-7362.

Pascagoula Roof Repair – delivers the best Pascagoula roof repair and new Roofing Services Pascagoula roof installation services obtainable for Pascagoula.

Roofing Contractor In Pascagoula offers the very best Pascagoula MS Pascagoula Roofing Contractor as well as new roof installation services available for Pascagoula, Mississippi.…

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2016 year review

Dear everyone,

2016 has been a big and different year in many ways. I have been traveling a journey which brought some answers to questions I have been asking for some time now. Lots of learning and some unexpected revelations I’d like to share with you in my 2016 annual review.…

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Vote with your light switch

Intervision, the 70s Soviet answer to the Eurovision Song Contest, was judge by electricity grid voting: “those watching at home had to turn their lights on when they liked a song and off when they didn’t, with data from the electricity network then being used to allocate points.”

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Evil Auto Complete?


There are also evil women. I didn’t go looking for them either. This is what I type: “a-r-e w-o-m-e-n”. And Google offers me just two choices, the first of which is: “Are women evil?” I press return. Yes, they are. Every one of the 10 results “confirms” that they are, including the top one, from a site called,

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs