syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

‘Rhizomatic Learning’

This is a recent Google + Discussion from my PLN about ‘Rhizomatic Learning’- a term coined by David Cormier who is leading a P2PU course on this topic.

Vanessa Vaile

Learning and Change (General)  –  Jan 13, 2014

Who else here is in (or other appropriate preposition) +dave cormier‘s Rhizomatic Learning #rhizo14 ?  
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What Will Your Learning Legacy Be?

This is my first addition of the learningischange podcast in almost a year.

In this episode I ask a question that has been on my mind lately: what will your learning legacy be?

This is due to the reflection I did over winter break around just how much of an impact I am making, and how much change I am creating five and 10 years down the road.…

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Poverty, Equity, Deficits, and Differences

I’ve been doing more and more reading on the state of Manitoba’s and Canada’s children in relation to poverty and equity in education. There are so many research studies that show the powerful effects of poverty in educational outcomes (for … Continue reading

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5 Things I’ve Learned in 2013

Or had confirmed, or moved my thinking on….it’s been a big year.

Last July, I came across the Pearson “5 Things I’ve Learned” series via Ewan Mcintosh’s contribution. The idea of identifying five big ideas that I have come to know, or to have learned, appealed to me.
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5 Things I’ve Learned in 2013

Or had confirmed, or moved my thinking on….it’s been a big year.

Last July, I came across the Pearson “5 Things I’ve Learned” series via Ewan Mcintosh’s contribution. The idea of identifying five big ideas that I have come to know, or to have learned, appealed to me.
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Enforcing Independence in #rhizo14

The challenge in Week 2 of Rhizo14 is to explore enforcing independence in education. Frances Bell has noted problems with these rhizomatic concepts in formal educational settings, and Jenny Mackness and others have reasonably objected to independence, favoring interdependence instead. They both address real issues with rhizomatic education: creating space for the rhizome.…

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Without Effective Leadership Same Problems Continue

Yesterday I wrote an article pointing out how the Polk Bros retail stores used advertising to build attention and draw customers to their stores, and how they used events, sales promotions, give-aways, etc. to motivate customers to buy something when they came to those stores, they definitely know the power behind using systems like the ones Salesforce offers.…

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Discourse: A New Open Sourced Web Forum Platform

I wonder about the need for a new web forum platform when you have the ability to do this within social media, but I think the idea of a forum built with Ruby on Rails is compelling. It is definitely a step up from forums that are still dogged by legacy issues.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs