syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Preparing for 2 sections of the same class

More grad students and postdocs want to take the course we teach at UCSD about teaching and learning in higher education, The College Classroom, than we can accommodate. This Quarter, we accepted 40 participants. The class meets for one 90-minute class each week.…

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Learner-created #edcampKC 2013 Flickr Set — Nelson Atkins Museum of Art

2 #edcampKC learners on the front lawn of the Nelson. (Connecting and Photographing)8:15 morning view of the Nelson-Atkins: #edcampKC Nov 9th --  67 degrees and sunny was unbelievable forecast.Sign crafted by Adrienne Lalli-Hills of the Nelson Atkins!#edcampKC t-shirt!Your #edcampKC Lead Learners yukking it up for the camera. :) (Be proud. LOL.) We had THE BEST time arranging OUR day of learning at the @nelsonatkins! THANK YOU NELSON ATKINS STAFF! You are a true gift to our #kansascity #community since you help bring kBefore the rush of arriving learners!
Nelson-Atkins Bloch LobbyBefore the mad rush of #edcampKC learning community comes in the glass doors....things are ready! StartupWelcome! The very start of the check-in at #edcampKC at the Nelson Atkins Museum!"I went to a museum and an edcamp broke out! #edcampkc" @wmchamberlain on TwitterTwo #nkcsedu colleagues starting the day off with laughter!#edcampKC learners looking colorful and bright!
2 friends from way back! #edcampKCAquila Court: #edcampKC TECH CAFE location complete with fountain (Yes, it will be ON!) Pull up a camp chair from the hallway!edcampkcUP the Nelson Atkins and a world of wonder! #edcampkcFree photography books the Nelson had out for #edcampKC!Chris and I
#edcampKC organizing team! Laura and KyleNew Friends at #edcampKC!Don't forget to fill out your official Raffle Ticket!!Filling out his official #edcampKC raffle ticket!Amazing educators and colleagues! (one of them is a former student and pre-service teacher at KSU!) #nkcseduReady for a great day of choice-based learning--#edcamp Style!

My dream of holding #edcampKC at the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, a Kansas City cultural icon, came to fruition on Saturday, November 9th! A heARTy thank you to Adrienne Lalli-Hills who answered a million questions/emails from me and who truly helped make this dream happen!…

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#OpenEd13 Presentation – We Have Lost the Term “MOOC”

Video of my presentation MOOCseum:  Using the Open Movement to Invigorate Local Museums is posted below.  Attendees were engaged and responsive, and the numbers were impressive especially considering this was the final presentation slot at the conference.

Attendees were interested in the potential at the confluence point of MOOCs and Museums, and the Q&A session (unfortunately not all caught on camera; I went over my allotted time) captured some of those possibilities (opening up two-way communication at museums beyond a set MOOC date, incorporation into non-art entities, augmented technologies to spur communication and supplemental learning.  …

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Field Trip – PSU Entrepreneurship Conference

Competition is a Learning Experience

The PA DECA & Entrepreneurship Conference took place Friday, November 8 – Saturday, November 9, 2013. I had the privilege of taking five students with me to Penn State University’s Smeal College of Business. Friday’s schedule was met with mini-sessions from successful entrepreneurs.…

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Creating eBooks with learners

In my last post I blogged about how we started creating our own textbooks, now I’m ready to give some more details about the following step: “Creating E-Textbooks”.
Project: Students create their own E-Textbooks
Why this project?
I think that helping them create their own E-Textbooks would be just one more way to express my gratitude to my learners for sharing our learning journey.
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Formacao continuada, todos entendem a proposta?

A primeira semana do Mooc tutoria motiva os participantes a refletirem como também contribuírem em um Wiki, sobre a questão que não vai calar, que é a posição do tutor perante a legislação. Participei no espaço de comentários oferecido na plataforma, explicando levemente a minha posição, e desejando aprofundar o intuito e o conceito do que é a Formação continuada dentro do posicionamento do tutor em cursos oferecidos via MEC.…

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The MOOCseum – Initial Report at #OpenEd13

Tomorrow (Friday, 3:30pm in White Horse at The Canyons Resort – Park City, UT) I will present the theoretical and practical elements behind the MOOCseum, a learning model I developed in partial fulfillment of my doctoral coursework at Pepperdine University.  This project is under consideration for a Waves of Innovation grant at Pepperdine, and I have explored the topic with both the Chief Financial Officer at Pepperdine as well as the director of the Weisman Art Center, an art museum on Pepperdine’s Malibu campus receiving patronage from the Weisman Trust.  …

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A New Perspective on Depression

What if depression wasn`t just something that prevented us from being all we could be… but rather something that slowed us down and stopped us when we are becoming overloaded.  I love this TED talk on the power of depression. I would love to hear others view and or reflections on the topic.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs