syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

A Glimps into Living With Schizophrenia

This week my Innovation and Change Coursera Course asked me to ask the customer what they need. For me as a school counsellor, my students are my “customers” and it’s important for me to keep in touch with what they need.…

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Guest Learner at St Catherine’s, Cambridge

Today we headed to Cambridge for our first school visit in England.  We arrive at Parkside Academy, which is a federation academy meaning they run more than one school.  In this case there are two secondary colleges and a Sixth Form college.  …

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Talky Tina’s Got Soul- Week 3-4-5 #DS106 Reflections

Since joining the ds106 cult, I have learned many lessons, above all how important it is to create something everyday. It’s not like I didn’t know this, but I had never truly incorporated this philosophy in my life. Too often, we know certain truths in life, but we just don’t apply them in our own.
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At a pub with 2,000 of your closest friends

Earlier this week I jumped into two Twitter chats that were happening simultaneously. One is an on-going reunion of participants from #etmooc. The other is part of a new, school-year-long professional development forum called Open Online Experience 2013 (#ooe13), a venture that also grew out of the #etmooc community.…

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#etmooc and #lrnchat: When Communities of Learning Discuss Community—and Produce Results

There was no need this week to read yet another book or article on how to effectively create and nurture great communities. Participating in live online sessions with colleagues in two wonderful communities of learning (#etmooc, using the #etmchat hashtag and a Google+ community for online exchanges, and #lrnchat) provided experiential learning opportunities among those trainer-teacher-learners: participating in discussions to explore what makes our communities attractive or unattractive, and contributing to the conversations in ways that produced immediate results, e.g.,…

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Regrets? Yes. And no.

My trek from geeky highschool student to Associate Director at the Center for Teaching Development at the University of California, San Diego has definitely followed the alternative academic career path.

What path will you take? (Image: You choose your path by James Wheeler on flickr CC via Compfight)

What path will you take? (Image: You choose your path by James Wheeler on flickr CC via Compfight)

When I finished my Ph.D.…

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“I went to the woods because I wished to photoblitz deliberately!”

I am guilt ridden, although we’ve been told not to feel guilty if we fall behind in ds106. I have yet to summarize and reflect on weeks 3 and 4, but it’s all in my head just waiting for some time to sit down and either write or record what I learned and accomplished during those weeks.
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs