syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

13 Success Factors for Making Online Learning Fun

Faculty eCommons

Do you need to add some excitement to your online course?
Research suggests that making online learning fun has an effect on the learning that occurs in an educational environment. Learners retain more information when they are ……

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What I Learned From Books This Summer

Photo Credit: the bbp via Compfight cc 

This summer I have been doing quite a bit of reading.  I love reading and enjoy the feel of pages between my fingers when I know something I’m reading is really good.  I belong to two book clubs (one just finished reading Many Lives, Many Masters, by Brian L.…

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#change#etmooc#loptis. Ritorno

L’estate e il caldo mi debilitano. Ecco spiegato il lungo e prolungato silenzio che deliberatamente ho mantenuto, assecondando un naturale istinto di sopravvivenza. L’attività, qui non manifesta, si è spostata su Flickr a cui ho affidato scoperte, sorprese, più o meno piacevoli, esplorazioni…

Ginevra, la mia cagnetta, oramai è diventata la mia vivace compagna di passeggiate e, al contempo, veicolo di una comprensione più approfondita anche dei comportamenti uomini.…

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#change#etmooc#loptis. Ritorno

L’estate e il caldo mi debilitano. Ecco spiegato il lungo e prolungato silenzio che deliberatamente ho mantenuto, assecondando un naturale istinto di sopravvivenza. L’attività, qui non manifesta, si è spostata su Flickr a cui ho affidato scoperte, sorprese, più o meno piacevoli, esplorazioni…

Ginevra, la mia cagnetta, oramai è diventata la mia vivace compagna di passeggiate e, al contempo, veicolo di una comprensione più approfondita anche dei comportamenti uomini.…

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Open Online Experience 2013

Open Online Experience 2013  (#OOE13)

From the work of Alec Couros (U. of Regina) and many other creators of Etmooc, comes Open Online Experience 2013 which begins September 4. I am one of the many co- creators of OOE13, having met my virtual colleagues online last spring while taking etmooc (Educational technology  and media Mooc).…

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If you have #etmooc envy, there’s a cure

Earlier this year I had the opportunity to participate in ETMOOC (my final reflections capture some of the experience) and am happy to now find that the community of educators that emerged from this event is at it again.

Starting in September comes #OOE13 – Open Online Experience 2013 – actually a school-year-long professional development opportunity for K-16 educators interested in technology and learning.…

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The Umbrella Metaphor in my classroom (with pictures and student work)

Whether this picture is real or not, I don’t know, but it’s the kind of visual I was seeking for the UMBRELLA metaphor in my classroom!

So, here’s the story:

We’re talking about the Golden Rule like we do every year.
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MOOCS: Additional Reflections on Great (and Not-So-Great) Expectations

We’re far from finished with our efforts to determine how massive open online courses (MOOCs) will fit into our learning landscape, recently published articles and personal experiences continue to suggest.

A MOOCmate’s engaging “A Record of My #ETMOOC Experience, 2013”; a Chronicle of Higher Education article suggesting that “The MOOC ‘Revolution’ May Not Be as Disruptive as Some Had Imagined”; and my own extensive and ongoing reflections on  #etmooc (the Educational Technology & Media MOOC developed and facilitated by Alec Courous and his wonderful gang of “conspirators” earlier this year) and R.

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Daily Create 593 – Personal Ad for Loch Ness Monster


Reclusive SGM (Single Green Monster) seeks companionship and possible species regeneration.  I enjoy sunsets, long swims underwater and terrifying the locals. If you are lucky, you may catch a glimpse of me on my webcam. Bounty hunters need not apply.…

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Datapalooza =

This is a response to President Obama’s recent initiative regarding higher education costs, value and affordability, but I will start by talking about Yelp.

I don’t like Yelp.  I’m not as disestablishmentarian as Jaron Lanier (defining Wisdom of the Crowd as Mob Mentality), but I understand that multiple variables color the aggregation system on a company’s reviews, expertise perhaps one variable, perhaps not.  …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs