syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Reflecting on Digital Literacy

In an effort to support my teachers in reflecting more deeply on their practice I’ve been using this teacher self-assessment tool since September. It is based on our provinces Teacher Quality Standard (TQS), which applies to teacher certification, professional development, supervision and evaluation, and which is supported by descriptors of selected knowledge, skills and attributes (KSAs) appropriate to teachers at different stages of their careers.…

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Let me try this again (code error in last attempt)…

Let me try this again (code error in last attempt). From your reflections here, I found this post on metaphors and added it to the Week 5 readings at

Johnston, Rebecca. (2009). Salvation or destruction: Metaphors of the Internet. First Monday Vol 14 #4.…

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Sometimes you just need to do it

That was me… and then about an hour later I had joined a smooc (small meaningful open online course) to create a website.…

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Etmooc Musings

For the past two weeks we have been exploring Digital Literacies in etmooc. Other than the forced disconnection for my Teacher’s Convention last week; I have been really busy connecting, tweeting and learning on-line. I have several posts started about my notes and thoughts about sessions that I have participated in or research that I am doing, and at least twenty tabs open on my browser than I need to explore.…

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Digital Literacy Defined?

Digital Literacies Peacock

Digital Literacies Peacock (Photo credit: *s@lly*)

What does it mean to be digitally literate? And who can actually answer that question today – teachers, administrators, researchers, students? I’m not sure I can do it justice. I think that’s one of my big takeaways from participating in the #etmooc Digital Literacy topic.…

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Curation: Professional Learning Project

Along with Stacia Johnson @staciajo33, we are exploring our love of information in new and exciting ways.  You can see her journey and insights on her blog.

I’ve always been a gatherer of information.  I’ve always enjoyed sharing what I know, sometimes randomly and sometimes purposefully.  …

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The Digital Iceberg.

Last week as I listened to Harold Rheingold‘s #etmooc session: Literacies of Attention, Crap Detection, Participation, Collaboration and Network Know-How, I began to think about how frequently in education we devote 90% of our energies to 10% of an issue.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs