syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

John Green on Copyright and Remixing

Book Cover of Fault in Our StarsI know that we are not looking at open access/copyright until next week, but I saw this video and thought that I should make a note of it before I forgot.  John Green, author of The Fault in our Stars, talks about one of his copyright experiences and about remixing.…

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My Twitter PLN – 7 (or 8) Hashtag Connections

Connecting with educational leaders around the world is so incredibly easy via Twitter. I love how many opportunities there are to have conversations about literally any topic, at any time of day or night. Whether I’ve “lurked” in chat sessions … Continue reading

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Hope in My Ideal School … What Does Your Ideal School Look Like?

Reblogged from School Counsellor Talk … Connecting, Collaborating, Curating and Continuing Education:

  • Click to visit the original post

After listening to Will Richardson’s blackboard collaborate talk I had to reflect on what it is that I would really want my ideal school to look like. I believe this will be an ongoing reflection as I continue to engage in my own process of learning in this digital age.

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Digital Literacies Education #etmooc


If you are connected to and participating in a personal learning network, then you understand the culture of today’s connected and public world. Perhaps you have created lessons and projects using Google Docs, a Wiki, or Twitter to collaborate with peers you have never met ( here and here and here ).…

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Will you use 1 photo or 1000 words? Photo Pin

Thank you Twitter PLN for another super resource: PhotoPin 

PICTURES and visuals are the way to communicate effectively.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs