syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

If you can’t read it, then it can’t influence you = false

If you can’t read it, then it can’t influence you.  That may be true with words and books, but it is not true in a world of images, music and multimedia.  With a book, if you can’t decipher the meaning of the words, then the influence is indeed limited. …

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My first experiences with bring your own technology

My school district started a BYOT policy this year. At first everyone thought this meant that we were going to install Wifi and that everyone would have access immediately. Nothing could be further from the truth. Essentially, we just said that we are going to officially allow something that students have been doing for a while.…

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Family Day or Festivus?

Well, I’m enjoying a relaxing day catching up on things that need to get done, reading student blogs and updating all the students ipads! Did I say relaxing? lol I enjoy doing these things so to me yes its relaxing. I’m surprised how much I enjoy the blogs of Mrs Rose’s art students.…

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Help EDUCATORS take flight with TWITTER–2 BIG IDEAS that SIMPLIFY!

By eldh on FlickrAndreas Eldh

Are you helping your educator friends adopt Twitter into their professional learning routines?

These Big Ideas/Goals will help simplify the learning curve on “The Twitter!” They’ll help educators get connected to others and to their own voice and passion!…

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First impressions for topic 3 Digital Literacy – Information, Memes & Attention

Well time to move past my digital story challenge and begin to refine my focus to digital literacy. Phase 1, I checked out wikipedia for a general overview of the new literacies:
What are new literacies?
I realized that this was about more than just recognizing the words on the page.…

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13-Second Story: Genji Wants to Ride

The past two weeks I’ve been trying to decide what tools to use for my digital storytelling assignment.  I’ve had experience with Animoto and Xtranormal; both are really fun.  I was intrigued about the possibilitities of Popcorn Maker, which gave me an idea of a task.…

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This just in: MOOCs are all the rage right now

As if you hadn’t seen the influx of moocyness over the last year.

We’re now about halfway through the #ETMOOC experience, having launched Topic 3: Digital Literacy just yesterday. In the planning for this and the Digital Storytelling topic, I’ve been trying to get the “M” in MOOC to mean more than “Massive”.…

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Silly Learner, iPads are for Creation Too!

Slide Deck:

Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad

iPad App Links:

Conversation Links:


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A New Adventure….

It’s been one new adventure after another lately…with all this new technology I’ve been learning about, I haven’t had the time to stop and get off one adventure before beginning another.  It has been rather exciting, scary, interesting and fun…yes, kinda fun too. …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs