syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Best Apps for Classroom Video Production part 2

In my previous blog, I posted that I was going to make a video about the different apps I recommended. At the time, I did not realize how work was going to be interrupted for the next couple weeks. I have started several blogs in the last 2 weeks, but sadly none of them are finished.…

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Digital Storytelling and the Common Core

There are all kinds of reasons for wanting to incorporate digital media into the classroom, but right now the focus of most administrators is on making sure that anything new that teachers implement supports the Common Core; so, I find myself asking how digital storytelling fits in with the Common Core.…

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Pinching my digital networked learning self

large_2932097858This week’s topic in #edcmooc is “reasserting the human” – a look at various responses to the apparent threat to humanity posed by the ever-increasing presence (intrusion?) of technology. It’s an interesting setup; forcing a debate on what, in fact, does it mean to be human?…

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My Childhood "Gears"

Seymour Papert’s “Gears of My Childhood”, the foreword to his book Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas, serves as our first LCL activity to share.  Briefly, Papert reflects back on his love of mechanical gears, viewing them as an adaptive model onto which he was able to overlay new and potentially difficult concepts in a familiar way.…

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Recreational Items from Unfortunate Events

The Hammer Museum in Westwood hosted an exhibition titled Recreational Items from Unfortunate Events that ended today.  It was centered around a collection of piñatas that were made by Sarah Bay Williams and based on a number of “unfortunate events”, and the piñatas were on display in the museum until today, when they were ceremoniously smashed apart. …

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Sharing Your Voice & Digital Storytelling

Bella & Jules 

I’ve been teaching digital storytelling to middle schoolers for the past nine years, and the tools have been getting easier and easier to use.  I began by using Pinnacle Studio on a standalone desktop computer–not connected to our SLOW school network. …

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The Silver Skate Festival, Edmonton’s Oldest Winter Fest

We just got home from the Silver Skate Festival, celebrating it’s twenty-third year, it is Edmonton’s oldest winter festival. In a bit of a Freudian slip, I initially typed Edmonton’s coldest festival (my hands are still a little chilly) the temperature wasn’t that cold, but the wind was very cold!

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So far I have mixed feelings about blogging.  I have spent the last two weeks with my French 11/12 class creating blog posts and commenting on our exchange class’ blog.  The students are disappointed that no one has commented yet.   …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs