syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Tech T(r)ips, Troubles, and Trials (Oh My!)

So, this was a week of tech trips, troubles and trials.  It began when the connector screws came off my laptop, so I couldn’t project anything onto my smartboard.  Not a big deal to fix, except our school’s tech-guy can’t come until next week at the earliest.  

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Twitter Apocalypse 2.0

Photo taken by Grmisiti

This past week I had the pleasure of hiding from, #dodging from, and #swiping at zombies, during an all-out zombie apocalypse. It was the second Twitter vs Zombie event in which hundreds of people from around the world join in to play a social media game on, you guessed it Twitter.…

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#etmooc Six-Word Story

As part of the #etmooc topic on digital storytelling, we’ve been challenged to publish our own six-word story.  Because I plan on doing this sort of project with Latin students, I thought I’d offer my first story using a famous line from Vergil‘s Aeneid, where Aeneas needs to console his men and give them strength during their hardships:  forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit (Aen.

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Like the Energizer Bunny, I just keep going and going(in the flow)

All the posts, the tools and story starters this week have got me thinking  about creativity; in fact in dialoging with Mary Lee Newmann on my last blog, I wrote in a comment, “I needed this lesson (all our discussion about digital story telling) to remind me how important it is to exercise our “creativity muscles”.  …

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My Story of Art and Flow … Visible Learning , Digital Story Telling

Why do I love painting., because I think I might make money at it someday? No absolutely NOT.

It is because it is the ONLY thing in my life that brings me such wonderful flow. True flow in the psychological sense as described by the positive psychologist Michaly Csikszentmihaly.  …

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(etmooc) Digital Storytelling, I’m just not that into you …

… and I’m not sure why. So I decided to work on a post to try to write my way to understanding my reticence.

We’re now into topic two of etmooc, on digital storytelling. What is digital storytelling?

Storytelling, by Surian Soosay (Flickr; links below)

According to a University of Houston site,

Digital Storytelling is the practice of using computer-based tools to tell stories.

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Stories of Open Sharing

This week, one of the conspirators of #etMOOC, Alan Levine (a.k.a. @cogdog), emailed me with a challenge – to submit a video of a time when being open and sharing online resulted in something special happening.

What could be more special than lunch with cogdog himself?…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs