syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Best Connectedness Video by@thecleversheep #etmooc #ceetopen

Build your Personal Learning Neighborhood

How? Learn from @thecleversheep

This presentation of Seven Degrees of Connectedness by Rodd Lucier @thecleversheep is the best introduction to connectedness, to taking a risk and starting to build a Personal/Professional Learning Network (or Neighborhood) I have seen.…

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NASA hosts its first Google+ Hangout connecting with space station []

NASA hosts its first Google+ Hangout connecting with space station– from


WASHINGTON — NASA will host its first Google+ Hangout live with the International Space Station from 11 a.m. to noon EST, Friday, Feb. 22. This event will connect NASA’s social media followers with astronauts on the ground and living and working aboard the laboratory orbiting 240 miles above Earth.…

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Serendipity via Online Virtual Literature Circles

This week I received an email from tech guru and friend Alan Levine, better know in the Twitterverse as @cogdog. Alan is managing a lot of the Blogs for #etmooc (Educational Technology Massive Online Open Course) and is an expert at mentoring people in the art of Digital Storytelling.…

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I’m a Flickr Fan

I like using Flickr for sharing photos. There are several similar services that I’ve tried, but Flickr remains my favorite so far. It integrates well with my Android devices and it allows for easy sharing. I especially like that I can send out links to my pictures that anyone can visit, even if they don’t have their own Flickr account.…

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Making A GIF- If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try Again – And Then Ask Your PLN for HELP!

This is my very first (and only) GIF.  I cannot begin to explain all of the learning that went into my being able to create this little baby – it’s the story of my backyard by the way – but the hoops I had to jump through to create this animated image are actually irrelevant.…

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Learning Reflections

Sherry Hegstrom – Emerging Technologies in Education commented on a post by Jeff UtechtWHAT DOES IT MEAN TO DISCONNECT?

Jeff asked the question:

Are you consuming, using or creating with technology?

And demonstrates the answer with a pie chart representing statistics on Internet participation.…

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When do we create, produce and share more?

Today, I came upon a great post by Jeff Utecht. The post HERE is titled “What doesit mean to Disconnect”. Jeff hit some great points, the definition of being connected to technology is very broad and does depend on your perspective.…

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Digital Storytelling Pop-Up Video

I participated in an etmooc session about Digital Sotrytelling for K-12 hosted by Darren Kuropatwa yesterday. You can watch the archived session here, view Darren’s Slides and check out the session resources here.

During the session Darren had participants record 5 seconds of video and share it with him.…

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Good Game 

Photo by Capital18 (Jugal Paryani) via

 No, I’m not a fan of any one given team in the NFL but in the wake of Sunday’s Superbowl, this Monday morning Quarterback was on top of the world.  I wasn’t going to Disney World per say, but it was close enough!

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs