syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

iOS Workflows for WordPress 1


Posting to WordPresss is pretty simple on the go. Recent versions of WordPress have a fairly good performance on Mobile Safari. the WordPress app performs a little better the body field is less ‘jumpy’ and uploading photos a little simpler.

There are a few other blogging apps but I’ve not stuck with any.…

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Quality Matters Day: Standard 1.6

Quality Matters Day: Standard 1.6

It’s Quality Matters Day! Each week, we highlight a Quality Matters standard and review its importance in an online course and how we evaluate this standard.

Today, we are reviewing Quality Matters Standards 1.6.

General Standard 1 addresses the course overview and introduction.

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We Don’t Say 2.0: Our #Carrollculture of Caring Continues

IMG_1194Image- Journal Cover Christmas 2015

It’s been almost a year since I wrote my first blog post introducing the Bishop Carroll “WE DON’T SAY” campaign. Since then I am proud to say that both the Spectrum Club and hash tage #CarrollCulture  have both taken off.

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If I Could Design a School….


If I could design a school today I would want a school that provided rooms that allowed students to learn in a manner that best suited their physical needs.  I would want the physical rooms to be awash in as much natural sunlight as possible and opportunities to take the learning outdoors as often as possible.

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There and back again.

I’m thrilled to announce that in July, I’ll be starting a new job as Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning and Senior Advisor for Learning Initiatives in the Office of the Provost and Vice-Principal Academic at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan.…

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Sunny Skies at the Silver Skate Festival

Yesterday was Family Day here in Alberta. Our family had planned to go skiing but the wether has been so nice the skil hill was closed so we spent the afternoon at Hawrelak Park at the Silver Skate Festival.20160215_142131

We arrived as they were announcing the winners of the carving competition,

20160215_141158 20160215_141234
20160215_141408 20160215_141438 20160215_141610 We checked out the new warming huts, which are a Make Something Edmonton project.…

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Etmooc 3 Year Anniversary Celebration

On January 20th we celebrated the 3rd anniversary of the Open and Connected Learning Mooc (etmooc) and launched the Mario Couros Memorial Bursary.

Susan hosted the conversation on Zoom which was a new video conferencing program for most participants.…

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Raspberry River

Image cropped from public domain flickr image: Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) ...

I’ve been following the work of Dave Winer for a while now. His pioneering work with RSS, blogging and podcasting is central to my use of the web. I’ve even dipped my toes into and blogged about Fargo his outliner tool a few times, I tried

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Tinkering with WordPress Features

Image by  anika ready to sew  public domain

Since I changed themes here I’ve been using featured images a lot more on posts. 1

There are a couple of things that bother me about WordPress featured images, the fact they do not show up in an RSS feed and that any attribution needs to go in the body of the post.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs