syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Social Curation and Sharing as Caring

On Friday I hosted a webinar for some of my co-workers at Alberta Education to listen to Jeffery Heil’s archived #etmooc session #T0S3 Introduction to Social Curation. The original session took place on January 17 and the archived Blackboard session can be found here.…

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Digital Storytelling Resources and Scratch Animation

I’m so excited about our new section in the MOOC I have been a part of, #etmooc. As an educator that has worked at the middle school level, undergraduate and graduate level, there a few things I have found to be more empowering and exciting than introducing digital storytelling to audiences that have not experienced the pleasure before.…

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New habit = finding time

habit Loop

habit Loop

I’ve joined etmooc with my PLT (principal learning team). Our learning goal this year is to better understand what 21st century skills are, why they are important and how we as administrators create and support learning environments where students need and practice these skills.…

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It isn’t crabgrass after all #etmooc

This is my mother’s spider plant that has lived for years in her sunroom.  Born with a green thumb, my mom gives it care, but it pretty much is self-sustaining, despite the occasional nibbles from Lily the cat.

Before starting my blog on “rhizomatic learning,” I wanted to find the perfect pic to accompany my blog. …

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Creating Access: one aspiring school, two stirring stories

This post continues my exciting journey at “my” high school in Athlone, Cape Town.  It is led by a (real-deal) servant-leader.  He creates an atmosphere for (current and future) success.  In fact he reminds me of that wise Chinese saying (from Lao Tze):

A leader is best when people barely know that he exists, not so good when people obey and acclaim him, worst when they despise him.

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Monday Morning. Email Can Wait. Art is Healthier Choice.

Well, after looking around at the 5CardFlickr content and then briefly at my email, I figured doing some art is the right choice. I even tagged a few of my images with “5cardflickr” to help out.


Five Card Story: Travelling to School on Monday

a Five Card Flickr story created by @todd_conaway

flickr photo by capohanka

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by bionicteaching

For me, getting to work and school is an adventure.

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#ETMOOC Introduction | Pete Rorabugh

My introduction to the #ETMOOC community (yes, it’s two weeks late; #yikes).

In the introduction I mention some articles; here are links:

Hybrid Pedagogy | A Digital Journal of Teaching and Technology
Learn Like An Arachnid: Why I’m MOOCifying  | Janine DeBaise
Links to follow within 24 hours for Twitter vs.…

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etmooc: Rhizomatic learning–a worry and a question

Socrates Eyes, by pj_Vanf, Flickr (links below)

In my previous post I talked about the notion of “rhizomatic learning” and how it might be implemented in a philosophy course. Here I bring up a worry and a question, things that came up for me after I thought about this idea further.

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#lovestory: Digital Storytelling project #1


I wanted to do something with social media – something that could have had a bot with a clever algorithm create. I decided to use Storify to create a love story based on hashtagged key words in a relationship (#lonely_#crush_#flirt_#kiss_#lust_#love_#jealously_#heartbreak_#alone)
[View the story “#lovestory” on Storify]

Filed under: etmooc Tagged: digital storytelling, etmooc, hashtag, project, social media, Storify

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs