syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs


My heart palpitated – everything I understood about data-driven decision-making and unbiased quantitative surveys was being thrown in my metaphorical face. My mind raced to produce a pithy argument but instead I opted to wait, and listen to my peers.

This was the scene in my office, a couple of days ago, as I participated in a Blackboard session about rhizomatic learning.  …

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It takes a village

Last week I had my midyear review with my principal. Happy to report that it went swimmingly. During our discussion she asked me how I stay so current on research and new technology in education. It was a simple answer – my PLN.…

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awooley77 2013-02-01 20:55:58

Summary at end of week 3 of ETMOOC:

I have pondered on the question of what is the point of ETMOOC for me, and I have come to two conclusions.  First it is a way for me to get some experience with the so-called social media (web tools for social interaction: LinkedIn, Facebook- strangely not used by ETMOOC, but twitter, google+, wordpress, edublog, YouTube, TED,,…

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Step 1 Digital Growth Plan

I had a great day yesterday at the Technology Drive In Conference hosted by Griffin RESA.  My head was spinning with ideas and new technology tools!  Here are few of the tools that I learned about.

  • Blabberize
  • Go Animate
  • Voki
  • Smart tables, Smart boards, smart everything
  • Edmoto
  • Glogster

I also realized that I need some education on SIPA and COPA regulations before introducing web-based products to my students to be sure I’m in compliance. …

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Rhizomatic Learning and Comments are How I Learn

Had to add this picture, I love it!

I left this as a comment on a blog today, but realized it makes a great post so here it is…. Ah, the power of comments is a lovely thing. Watching the exchange on the subject on rhizomatic lerning from Louwarnoud van der Duim’s Blog has helped me put rhizomatic learning in perspective.…

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Connected Learning and the Introverted MOOC-er

So I have been pondering my latest #ETMOOC blog challenge for almost 6 minutes now on Connected Learning.

If people are looking for ideas to write about, I’d like to take this opportunity to once again share the blog prompts that were mentioned in the Introduction to Connected Learning presentation.

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Roll Call. High Profill Killings

Today’s Chicago Tribune Editorial titled “Protecting our Own” shows photos of six high profile killings since 1984. The editorial laments “we’ve been there before” and repeats “it will take more than new policing strategies”. It ends with “Chicago needs a new commitment to protect it’s own.”…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs