syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Leveraging for Legacy


image: my student, Sam St. John

I’ve been really enjoying participating in #etmooc, and the last Blackboard session with Alec got me thinking of connectivism again. Each year I have my IB Theory of Knowledge students read “Knowing Knowledge” by George Siemens (2006)

KnowingKnowledge_LowRes (1)

Last year we had a lively socratic circle activity with a Twitter backchannel, but this year I decided to include the reading and obligatory reflection in their semester exam.…

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I have something to say! — What is it?!

No, I am not entering the early stages of dementia or Alzheimer’s yet… I am, however, reflecting on the crazy of my life since the New Year began and feeling two things:

Overwhelmed and Excited!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I entered the Twittersphere several years ago to ultimately expand my knowledge base around my (for lack of a better word) job.…

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#etmooc. Esiti della seconda settimana

In questo post mi propongo di riflettere su cosa ho imparato e come ho imparato nel corso della seconda settimana di #etmooc, ritenendo che la condivisione possa costituire una risposta /commento. Mi auguro che sia interpretata come una conferma della validità delle proposte.…

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Tools, Tools, and More Tools (Google Hangout Take 2)

Took my second attempt at conducting a Google Hangout.  This time from my office to make use of my new iMac and duel screen. I am puzzled that my 4-year-old MacBook at home, seemingly on it’s last leg, out performed my 6 month old iMac.…

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To learn live, or to learn with recording… that is the question

Over the past two weeks, I’ve had the pleasure of participating in two lives sessions of #etmooc using Blackboard Collaborate.  The sessions were intense.  First, starting with a session with Alec Couros that centered on the Introduction to Connected Learning.  …

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Etmooc, edcmooc, moocs,moocs and more moocs

Well I’m very happy to discover that I can use the WordPress app offline as I’ve just had to turn off the router due to the loud thunder and lightening. It’s probably time to put away the technology for today but I decided to grab a moment and update my blog.…

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Etmooc, edcmooc, moocs,moocs and more moocs

Well I’m very happy to discover that I can use the WordPress app offline as I’ve just had to turn off the router due to the loud thunder and lightening. It’s probably time to put away the technology for today but I decided to grab a moment and update my blog.…

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Photo Credit: Krug6 via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Krug6 via Compfight cc

Webster defines serendipity as “the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for”.  And this is exactly what happened to me on Tuesday.

I’ve been exploring the use of Creative Commons work in the classroom for over a year now.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs