syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs



Sospesa l’attività usuale in questo blog, per quanto segue.

Sospeso, in uno di quegli attimi dove all’improvviso succede tutto insieme e non si riesce a mettere le cose in fila.

Sospeso fra due estremi: la sperimentazione nelle classi delle scuole elementari, a cui pensavo di dedicarmi quasi esclusivamente, da un lato, e dall’altro un ruolo nel governo dell’università, dalla quale stavo progressivamente defilandomi.

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A new open experiment:

We’re officially live at See this blog’s MSLOC 430 category for previous updates on work-in-progress and some history of the course I teach at the Master’s Program in Learning and Organizational Change at Northwestern University. My current experiment is the second iteration of trying to create an open section of the campus-based course.…

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Visual metaphor for online communication and facilitation.

​Tangled is how I sometimes feel about my web of 3 email accounts plus Facebook, 2 websites, an LMS (d2l) used as both an instructor and a student, various blogs and Twitter conversations, discussion forums, and…… did I miss any? All together they form a scaffolding for my online presence and sometimes the connections and their usefulness are clear, but on other occasions I feel caught up in the weave and unable to see through it.
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I refuse to say yes to doing nothing about sexual harassment

Are there enough negatives in that title to confuse you? Good. But it’s nothing compared to the confusion I’ve felt this week. And my discomfort is a drop in the bucket of confusion and anxiety experienced every. single. day by woman who have been or are being sexually harassed.

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Annotation. A New Learning and Collaboration Tool

How many times have you read a book, or an article, and used your yellow high-lighter to mark up important passages, or used sticky notes to post comments? Or even written notes in the margins? I’m sure many of us have done this to support our learning and prepare for tests.

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Tech Tool Fatigue Syndrome (#TTFS): Do you have it?

Anyone involved in the field of educational technology has probably run across headlines like this: “7 Tools That Will Change Education” or “10 Educational Apps Every Teacher Should Have” – I see them on Twitter almost every day. In fact, I maintain an ever-growing spreadsheet to track interesting new education tools.

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The Four Directions

    The four directions of the compass are a metaphor used in many cultures.  The First Nations peoples incorporate them into their medicine wheel.  As an educator a compass exemplifies our role as a guide, helping our students find their direction. 
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Quality Matters Monday: Standard 1.1

Happy New Year!  This year we will again be discussing QM Standards each Monday.  


It’s Quality Matters Monday! Each Monday, we highlight a Quality Matters standard and review its importance in an online course and how we evaluate this standard.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs