syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Are eight-letter words twice as offensive?

What does one do when time is a critical factor and one is challenged to accomplish two different tasks in two different environments? Well … some might get uptight and vent their frustration, by swearing, using profane, “four-letter words”.

In my case, I chose to focus on common elements that satisfy the needs for both entities.…

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Inspiration, Innovation, Interaction

Inspired by the innovation of my personal learning network, I choose to continue that interaction that inspires each one of us to become better in some way. Like snowflakes melting and merging into a sparkling clear spear of ice, ready to release its life-giving water with just a little more movement of molecules, we who […]

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ETMOOC: Twitter in a new dress!

As I said in an earlier post, I’m taking a massive open online course called “Educational Technology and Media MOOC “ETMOOC”. At the same time, I’m taking other 2 online courses; EVO 2013 Neuroscience in Education session and DiffiMOOC offered by the University of Alaska Southeast’s School of Education.

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It’s good to stumble…a little…now and then…

Tonight’s inaugural #etmooc Twitter chat was surprising for me. I’ve been using Twitter for some time now, mostly as a tool for maintaining personal social networks and aggregating news and research items.  I have used it as part of an informal learning network, too, to learn new skills from people with similar interests.…

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Hello #etMOOCers!

For some time now, I have known that there is a big hole in my knowledge about educational technology.  I have absolutely no experience in working with video.

I was thrilled to see that the first assignment for #etMOOC was to make a video.  …

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Day Three #etmooc – A Day to Play

I was out of commission yesterday, dealing with hospitals and surgeries, so I missed a whole day of #etmooc! Sad face. Which means that I played catch-up, put out fires and dealt with all the little things that happened while I was out.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs