syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Hello world!

Welcome to edtech @ UVIC Sites.

Today really is day one, although I’ve attempted blogging before.  I’m excited about #edci515, #etmooc and all things learning.

Opening yourself up to being in an open online learning experience is scary but if I let go, I know it will reap amazing rewards!…

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Hello all,
I am a Grade 4 teacher in a French Immersion school in Calgary, Alberta. I have started bloggin with my class this year, and I am excited to start blogging only own site as well. I am interested in critical place based pedagogy, as well as the possibilities new technologies suggest for transforming education.…

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Hello world!

First Impressions

Everyone has an ahh-haa moment. Mine was the first day of the semester. A student asked me how I liked a previous work experience. I stared picture from Google Images blog.thereelist.comdeep into space while simultaneously my mind flashed back to an episode of my absolute all-time favorite TV sitcom, “How I Met Your Mother.”…

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EVO-2013 Designed for Business

Designed for Business:

Even before the official start of the course we started sharing some information on Edmodo

The task: 3, 2, 1
3 things your hometown is famous for 
2 things you couldn’t live without
1 thing you are looking forward to

3 things your hometown is famous for 

Buenos Aires is a huge city, with very elegant neighbourhoods with an European architecture, it has beautiful parks, lots of green areas, yet, they never seem to be enough as development has brought an explosion of building construction.

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Story Apps #1

Reading stories with students is always fun. It changes the atmosphere of the class and encourages them to listen or use the language in another way. There is a huge collection of websites that are offering a lot of online interactive stories.…

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Launch of this blog

I am excited to begin this project.  I believe I have much to say about the education space, along with the experiences I’ve had (and continue to have).  I have three goals:

1.  Engaging, focused content.  I intend to write about news and people who are at the intersection of thought leadership, technology, and entrepreneurship in the education industry (K-20).…

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Key Points to Consider When Launching MOOCs

I was asked by my institution to develop the following document to give administrators, faculty, and staff initial talking points when thinking about launching MOOCs. Thus, this one-page executive summary is succinct and diplomatic (see e.g., “What’s the Business Model?”), but many of the resources and thinkers I’ve cited are well worth the […]

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Hello World!

What’s a blog without the requisite initial “Hello World!” post!  I’ve set up this blog as part of a MOOC I am participating in called ETMOOC.  However, I expect that I’ll enjoy using this more than I realize now, and like Twitter will simply become a part of my routine.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs