syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

WAC 2: The Rhizomatic Document

It occurs to me that some people may not agree with my characterization of writing, especially in the sense of an actual text or document, as a network phenomenon. After all, scholars have long emphasized the linear nature of printed documents, such as books, typed letters, and journal articles.…

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On being open

So I went to Vancouver for a week for Open Ed 2012, and it was a somewhat spiritual quest. I wasn’t hoping to find myself, but I was definitely hoping to find “something” – insert your own joke about colonialism. Perhaps it was more a case of Kerouacism, for want of making a new word up.…

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WAC: Writing to Learn across the Curriculum

I have the opportunity to design a new writing across the curriculum program for college, and I’m interested to see how I might translate theory into practice. I have been writing for three years now about networking, connectivism, and rhizomatic education, but it has all been rather abstract.…

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Today (October 22nd) was the JLERN workshop, to wrap up and discuss the learning registry project that MIMAS and assorted others have been working on. Here are my slides for the day….

I demonstrated the two chrome plugins developed so far (see my github for details), as well as submitting the WW1C project to the node using Ramanathan.…

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Community Service Strange but True Multimedia Story: 6th graders!

Strange but True: This is what can happen when adults set up opportunities for kids to serve the school and community within the school day. I vow to focus on this this year!
  • Tell 11 year olds to clean their rooms and you get long faces, sighs, and often uncleaned rooms.
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“Can I – TEACH South Africa ?”

I went through the project named TEACH South Africa by Runganayagie Nailini Reddy. The report is quite methodical and systematic.

 It starts with opening remarks which proves to be a precursor to whatever is going to be described and done further in the report.
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Why Connectivism?

I’ve not blogged in over a month, and I have a serious case of disconnection. I’m irritable about it. Really. I’m not so pleasant just now, and I think a large part of it has to do with my loss of connection with my writing, my thoughts, my conversation.…

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jitcanin12 2012-10-20 17:03:00

Online learning, powered by broadband technology and the other new tools of the Information Age, is making it possible for all human beings to overcome barriers, to access the education they need to succeed, to step inside online classrooms, to learn from top teachers, and to improve one’s life and achieve our personal ambitions as a fundamental dream in the 21st Century.
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs