syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

ELI Fall Focus 2012

As usual, the Educause Learning Initiative Focus webinar was excellent and has spurred plenty of good conversation about innovation on our campus. Below is a Storify of the lively backchannel and my Evernote notes are HERE. [View the story “ELI Fall Focus ” on Storify]


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#TMIntl – because it’s good for you

As you might have read about it before on this blog I was very excited that my short talk was accepted for the 3rd edition of the International TeachMeet last Saturday (September 29, 2012).
As I was in a fairly gloomy mood the whole week because of the episode I described here.…

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ACEC 2012

Today I am presenting at the Australian Computers in Education Conference in Perth about making global connections.

To make it easy on the people in my session and for those who are not in it you can access the links here.…

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teaching on line

This is my summary about So, You want to teach online? webinar by Shelly Terrell.

Online formats

  • secondlife: create 3Ds stories
  • Skype
  • Webinar-Platforms: you can upload videos, ppt, chat box, audio
  • E-Conferences: Virtual Round Table
  • Google Hangouts: Chat with gmail account
  • E-courses: EVO
  • MOOCs: Massive Open Online Course
Which should I choose?
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Estes são meus alunos em uma experiência com tablets.

Todos gostaram muito. Avaliar sobre os benefícios  em um tablet depende da pratica e do acesso a este artefato tecnológico.  “Tablets are intimate, but not immediate.”  

Em um Congresso, na cidade onde moro, aconteceu um pequeno Seminário (tipo workshop) sobre o meu direcionamento  com os seguintes objetivos:

– envolver pessoas interessadas com a criação de blogs.…

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Greek Iconography Workshop Ideas

Right now I’m taking Google’s Power Searching online course and am enjoying it.  In our 4th lesson, I learned that images can be dragged/dropped directly into the search bar for imaged searches (but not on tablet devices; cf. below!).  I got to thinking that this could be incredibly useful in looking at Greek iconography with students. …

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How Twitter (and IdeaPaint) are transforming my classroom.

This summer I was looking for IDEAS; ways to make learning more engaging, collaborative, hands-on, and student-centered. I was specifically looking for a for new classroom arrangement to facilitate all this.  I found my inspiration via Twitter, and then I found some more inspiration from Twitter.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs