syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Digital Storytelling begins

I am so excited to learn about Digital Storytelling, a way to express myself on the web using all of its capabilities. Since I teach English in Tokyo with technology, I am looking forward to integrating this into my seminar class with my best students in our new academic year starting in April.…

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The Power of Posing Problems

This TED video is the jumping-off point for this entry:

This video prompted the following comment on the TED website:

  • John Burrell 2 hours ago: The teaching profession are falling over themselves to embrace the ‘new paradigms’ advocated by this teacher, repeated by amongst Ken Livingston and written about by Steven Johnson + the endless retweets on Edchat.

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The Critical Inch

I apologize for the long writing absence.  I have been spending a great deal of time adjusting to the realities of my role as Principal.  I am blessed to work with one of the most dedicated group of professionals I have known.  …

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Creating My Hub Without Reinventing the Wheel

Before I left the classroom (the bricks and mortar one that is), I was feeling excited and competent in creating a writer’s workshop environment in my classroom. Now I want to do that online but before I start I want to think through how I want that to look and what the best tool(s) are for doing that.…

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Change the Tools

originally posted at:

Remember when you begged your mother to spend the extra money on the super-duper-deluxe package of your official high school grad photo?  I do.  It wasn’t enough to have 12 or 15 of the wallet-sized photos, I needed at least 48.  

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NB3 21C – Why I Embrace the Shift

originally posted at:

As a parent I have hopes and dreams for my children.  I want to see them exploring the world with open eyes. I want them to be literate and numerate enough to pursue any passion they discover, to follow any path that looks inviting and to contribute to whatever society they chose to live in.

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Supporting Visual-Motor Planning in the Classroom


Children with learning differences, learning disabilities and developmental disabilities such as autism spectrum disorders often have difficulty coordinating information between their senses, and integrating information presented through one mode into output through another mode.  For example, they may have difficulty listening to a teacher’s voice, processing the information, and then having to write a paragraph based on the auditory information. 
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Supporting Visual-Motor Planning in the Classroom


Children with learning differences, learning disabilities and developmental disabilities such as autism spectrum disorders often have difficulty coordinating information between their senses, and integrating information presented through one mode into output through another mode.  For example, they may have difficulty listening to a teacher’s voice, processing the information, and then having to write a paragraph based on the auditory information. 
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Using Computers in the Classroom to Support Children with ASD and Learning Disabilities


There are lots of great ideas in terms of using computers within the classroom.  Sure, we are bound by funding and other challenges, but keep some of the following in mind when considering how to use yours.
Too few computers for too many students? 
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Using Computers in the Classroom to Support Children with ASD and Learning Disabilities


There are lots of great ideas in terms of using computers within the classroom.  Sure, we are bound by funding and other challenges, but keep some of the following in mind when considering how to use yours.
Too few computers for too many students? 
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs