syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs


Change it Up  I love this video and the obvious influence this program has on the lives of the people involved.  This program is very successful in working with at-risk students.  This video should be shared with more people and hope that more programs can be created, developed and implemented with our youth.
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Presentation Time

For the last two days we have be blessed with the presentations of this cohort.  Each presentation has been unique and interesting.  We have been honored with video and different discussion strategies and variety of topics.

Jim and I were the last to present today which caused the stress level to rise to near state of illness. …

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Engaging the Disengaged

Engaging the Disengaged:  How Schools can Help Struggling Students Succeed by Lois Brown Easton, 2008, Corwin Press

This book is a very easy read and is presented in a workbooks style format to use with staff.  In fact it would be a good book to read and work through as a staff. …

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Kevin Kumashiro – Chapter 3 – Response

Preparing Teachers for Uncertainty:  A Sample Lesson

Oppression is often a difficult topic for many to grasp.  I have had many discussions with adults on this topic for many years.  Oppression is felt and very difficult to explain when people “don’t get it”. …

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The Case For Constructivist Classrooms

The Case For Constructivist Classrooms
by Jacqueline Grennon Brooks & Martin G. Brooks

Chapter 4 Posing Problems of Emerging Relevance to Students

Posing problems of emerging relevance is a guiding principle of constructivist pedagogy.  However, relevance does not have to be pre-existing for the student.…

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Project-based learning

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Whose in my pocket? Sir Reginald

Sir Reginald has been in my pocket for a long time.  We have come to know each other well over the past five years.  We have laughed together, we have cried together.  We have seen each other through bad choices and good decisions. …

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Kumashiro Chapter 2 Preparing Teachers for Crisis: A Sample Lesson

What it means to be a student.

Kumahiro’s stories in this section and in the beginning of the book are wonderful.   Student M and N are everywhere and in each of our teaching practices.  I enjoyed reading the stories of students in the classroom and found the examples provided more authenticity to the topic.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs