syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Children With Autism and the Hectic Holidays…


(image courtesy of

Casey Burgess is the Director of Full Spectrum Learning, providing educational, behavioural, cognitive, and social support to individuals with ASD and learning differences in Sault Ste Marie,   

The holiday season can be stressful for parents, with last minute shopping trips, hosting and attending parties and family gatherings, and travel preparations. 
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My Learning Addiction

When people find out that I’ve just completed a university class and have registered for another one next term, years after getting my Bachelor of Education degree, they often ask one of the following questions:

Are you getting your Masters? (No.)…

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ECMP Reflection Presentation

For our final presentation/final exam for our ECMP355 class we had to do a modified Pecha Kucha presentation – we used 16 slides for 15 seconds each.  The theme was to explore what we had learned in our class over the term, providing narration for our slides.  …

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Exit Cards – Confusion, Confusion, Confusion

renjith krishnan /

 I was excited about exit cards today, but the results were not so exciting!

I asked my students to complete exit cards today as a blog comment.  Not really successful.  The exit card was pretty basic as the material was a review. 

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Inspired and lonely – the collision!

It seems that when inspiration collides head-long into loneliness and self-doubt – I find myself lofting into the great unknown.  The last serious life-changing collision was in the Spring of 2002 – where I met my husband in an online dating service after a lonely Easter weekend.  …

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If we keep doing the same thing the same way…

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Attributed to Albert Einstein.

I’ve been writing this blog since 2005 and I’ve been trying to help volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs grow in the Chicago region since 1993 when I created the Tutor/Mentor Connection.…

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Loading... Excitement

Over the past few months I’ve become an enthusiastic advocate and user of It is no longer in Beta and has now gone public. It is a fantastic way to compile resources on a single topic and to share these resources with others who can choose to follow your updates.…

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Introducing Literature Circles

Image: tungphoto /

I introduced literature circles to my class this year by using  The Pearl by John Steinbeck.  As suggested in much of the literature on this teaching strategy, we began the process using roles sheets.  The premise for this idea is for students to learn to work collaboratively and gain confidence and trust in working in groups through the use of the role sheets.
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs