syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

one to one

Our school is implementing a one to one computer initiative with grade nine students this year.  It is quite a change for many staff and students but one that truly should be a part of every student’s education.  Many teachers have embraced the idea while others are not finding technology useful in their curriculum.
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The New Year

I began this school year somewhat differently than usual.  My classes began group work right away.  I did not wait till they were “ready” and I felt they knew their responsibilities well enough to work with others.  We began our year together getting to know each other through small group work. 
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Welcome Day

Each year the SRC hosts our Welcome Day at the park.  All of the student body is bussed to the Provincial Park for the day for fun and relaxation.  There are an abundance of activities planned as well as a hot dog and corn on the cob lunch supplied for everyone. 
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Worldmapper – ways of seeing the world (visualizing info)

I’m cleaning out my home drive at school. I need to make room. Found this little activity that has students not only assess the media web site but think about the way they can map and view world statistics.

It’s a great introductory activity that allows students to assess and clarify what design and elements they like in a site, and also a jumping point to discuss point of view and representation of data.…

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Change / MOOC / Through My Lens (exhibit change)

Just registered for my first Massive Open Online Course – or MOOC, if I’ve got the acronym correct.

It’s very exciting as I love learning, discovering and reflecting. I heard Steven Downes, one of the moderators of the course, speak at ECOO two years ago.…

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School – Family Partnerships for the 21st Century

I read a lot of articles about improving the school – family dynamic in public education. Some focus on parent involvement, others go toward parent engagement. I have been inspired by the work of Joyce Epstein and Debbie Pushor as they both encourage the development of true partnerships based on mutual respect and a desire to enhance student learning.…

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On August 31 nearly 1000 teachers from this District gathered in one place for a day of learning together.  As Chair of the District Education Council I am invited to speak for a few minutes at the beginning of the day.  …

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WARNING: Changes can make you feel uncomfortable and learning can be messy…

During the summer I had taken part in a course redesign project with our Introductory Computing team (Introductory Computing is a mandatory first year course for all of our students) . A small team were charged with redesigning the course to work with the new 1 + 2 weekly structure.…

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Naming Rights? Why not?

In a previous article I wrote about MOOCs, or massive on-line organized learning communities. These are part of a series of articles focused on learning.

When we created the Tutor/Mentor Connection in 1993 our aim was to “collect and organize all we could find related to volunteer-based non-school tutoring/mentoring” and how such programs could contribute to workforce development and social justice.…

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Here we go – again (inspired by ASI2011) 1EME#1

In the inspiration that is ASI2011 (Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning) @ABEL learning annual conference
ASI2011 home I’ve decided to start blogging again. 
What about? Well, about teaching, education, ideas to engage students, projects, and am looking to get other to contribute and add ideas as well. 

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs