syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Intro to #etMOOC

As I join in to #etMOOC this week, I am beginning with observations of  community and connectivity.  I join in as a curious mom of three,  teacher educator and doctoral student studying the ecosystem of education through an anthropological lens.  Examining our schools via an ecosystem analogy, the critical elements of interrelation and diversity stand in sharp relief as I seek to better understand teaching and learning in today’s schools.  …

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Intro to #etMOOC

As I join in to #etMOOC this week, I am beginning with observations of  community and connectivity.  I join in as a curious mom of three,  teacher educator and doctoral student studying the ecosystem of education through an anthropological lens.  Examining our schools via an ecosystem analogy, the critical elements of interrelation and diversity stand in sharp relief as I seek to better understand teaching and learning in today’s schools.  …

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Intro to #etMOOC

As I join in to #etMOOC this week, I am beginning with observations of  community and connectivity.  I join in as a curious mom of three,  teacher educator and doctoral student studying the ecosystem of education through an anthropological lens.  Examining our schools via an ecosystem analogy, the critical elements of interrelation and diversity stand in sharp relief as I seek to better understand teaching and learning in today’s schools.  …

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Tikatok-Student Online Book Publishing

I was introduced to Tikatok by my friend, Jackie Gerstein, when I visited her class in Sahuarita, AZ and was so impressed with the books her students were creating. Inspired after my visit, I have been waiting to try it out with a real story and my opportunity has come.…

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Kid Nation assignment

Kid Nation

It was a 2007 series or social experiment. Take 40 kids, aged 8 to 15 from all backgrounds across the U.S. and have them build a town.
This series, Kid Nation, takes place in Bonanza City, New Mexico.

The kids are given a town council (four leaders of four teams of kids), an old ghost town and a “diary” left by “previous” Bonanza City adult members, who were unable to make the town work.…

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On Disrupted Learning

Points and thoughts on Disrupting Class by Clayton M. Christensen

Chapter Three:
Despite all the money put into buying computers for school, they have just been “crammed” into the existing model. Delivering lessons and structuring the classroom has not really changed much.…

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Mogulus is now LiveStream-Outstanding free video service!

If you’re considering some live streaming, I strongly encourage you to give Mogulus (now LiveStream) a try!! I have been exploring and using the Mogulus Channel for live streaming and have been extremely impressed with how easy it is to navigate and produce online videos (both live and recorded sessions).…

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Reeder’s Writings 2009-05-12 23:18:00

Yesterday my colleague Claire (who has been a constant inspiration and source of information) used the Voicethread tool in her weekly math class for intermediate students at our distributed learning school. I have had on my to do list for a good while now that I want to use this tool in my online English courses as a way to facilitate communicating and composing orally.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs