syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

The Story Behind That Twitteraholic Post

There’s always a story behind what inspires bloggers to write specific posts.

Unfortunately we aren’t always able to include that aspect in our posts :(

Maybe it is me?  But often the story behind the post is just as intriguing and fascinating as the post.…

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Case Study: Coallition of the Willing

Coalition Of The Willing from coalitionfilm on Vimeo.

This video is an interesting example of a few different things that I think we’d like to see in our classrooms.  While it’s true that this was produced by a network of some of the best people working in motion graphics, it is still the result of an ethically motivated, thoughtfully engaged, and entrepreneurial group. …

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Just Because

I was going to try justifying posting this trailer because some of my students are reading the Scott Pilgrim series and I want to make a connection between graphic novels and their often flimsy film adaptations.  The fact of the matter is that I do not believe that this film adaptation will be flimsy and I am just excited about it because it’s awesome.…

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You Want to Do What? One Principal’s Perspective on Change and Web 2.0 Tools

Teacher to principal as they are sharing bus duty one morning…. “One of my teacher friends told me about the neatest free tool on the internet that will make it possible for students to publish their writing anywhere around the world.…

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Bathwater and the baby? Not again!

As a distributed learning teacher I continue to see at least two or three new students a week. I’m getting students who are too anxious to go to school or even leave their homes. Others have burned bridges with a teacher but still need to get credits to graduate.…

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Using Diigo With Students

I’ve recently signed up with Diigo, a bookmarking site that is much more as it allows one to highlight parts of a webpage, attach public sticky notes to send comments back and forth, create lists to easily share, and even create groups where members can contribute bookmarks.…

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Free to good home!

Image by a href=Any takers?

I’ve had enough of the work involved with dealing with spammers on Ning sites.

So decided to reduce the workload by getting rid of eTools and Tips for Educators.

It’s a cool name and URL –

If Ning is like blog sites once a URL has been deleted no-one including the original user can create the site again with that URL.…

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The Story So Far

I work in a small distributed learning program in B.C. I work part time and teach grades 8-12 English and Socials online using Moodle. I have been in the program for several years and have seen the world of DL in B.C.…

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There’s Always Tomorrow.

I am both excited and somewhat nervous to have joined a group called Blogger’s Alliance. Thanks to Kelly Tenkely for starting this group. I joined to jumpstart my writing on this blog and to meet and talk with other educators. I keep reading about PLNs (personal learning networks) and want to explore this more.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs