syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Vocabulary Building in the 21st Century

This is just a basic list of vocabulary strategies and sites that you can use with students to help with developing vocabulary.  I pulled all these sites together after an AWESOME Twitter chat at #GAED last Thursday night.  If you have the time, please join us at 8pm EST each Thursday.…

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Quality Matters Monday: Standard 1.1

QMIt’s Quality Matters Monday! Each Monday, we will highlight a Quality Matters standard and review its importance in an online course and how we evaluate this standard.

General Standard 1 – Course Overview and Introduction: The overall design of the course is made clear to the learner at the beginning of the course.

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Snowball’s of Advice from Bishop Carroll’s Mental Health Symposium.


On January 7th , 2015, during our Mental Health/ Wellness Symposium students found solutions to real world problems.

Activity: Snowball Advice

You don’t have to look far to get advice. Some of the best advice comes from your peers

  • Please write down on the form provided, a situation which  you or someone you know, may be struggling with right now.
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The F-Word

I’m talking about failure. Failure has become quite the educational buzzword these days. Articles, research journals, and blogposts all tout the need for failure as part of the learning process. I’d argue that most people mean “mistake” instead of “failure,” but that is an argument for another day.…

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Connections, Flows, and Freire in #moocmooc

I’m taking a break from prepositions—at least from writing about them—to talk about MOOCMOOC and critical pedagogy. MOOCMOOC assigned reading for this week included Chapter 2 of Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1993). It’s been many years since I read Freire, and it’s pleasant to see how my latest readings are re-informing my understanding of him now.…

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Why Students Don’t Attend Office Hours

Faculty Focus

By Maryellen Weimer, PhD

More than 600 students answered 17 survey items about one of their courses in order to help researchers explore factors that influence students’ use of office hours. The research goal was to identify ways instructors could increase the use of office hours because so many students don’t take advantage of this opportunity to interact with faculty.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs