syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

#140WC Welcome Challenge #clmooc #etmooc

A Challenge On November 10th, 2014 I made a commitment to myself and invited others to join — teachers, students, bloggers. The commitment? Write 140 words each day — 140 words more or less — but write — blog — everyday.  …

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A Hunni By Any Other Name Would Not Be So Sweet

“What’s in a name? that which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet;”

(Juliet, II.ii, Romeo and Juliet)

Counter to our dear Juliet’s philosophies, I argue that I would not be as sweet if I were to be called something other than Pamela Hunnisett.…

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Hitting a productive point for #msloc430 course design

Have slowed down a bit on writing things down as part of my design update to my course. But it’s because I think I’ve hit upon a productive reframing of one key element of the course – how to glue together many apparently lightly connected concepts about enterprise social network (ESN) uses.…

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Dot.con – Documentary on Internet Scams

Tonight, the CBC aired a documentary on Internet scams including the romance scams that I’ve been discussing on my blog as of late. The video is worth sharing and discussing. As well, I believe that this documentary is relevant to the #ccourses participants who are considering the possibilities around connected learning.…

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Half-baked thinking: Content and structure for popping the lid on #msloc430 course

Day 3 of #WOLweek. I was walking home from campus today (I live a little over a mile from Northwestern University) after a pretty energizing day. But it is ugly cold for this time of the season and when I left the office about the only thing that I was aware of was the weather.…

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A detour to consider pacing: Opening up my course #MSLOC430 #WOLweek

Update on day 2 of #WOLweek. My plans today were to make some headway in identifying new readings for my course, and I had a wee bit of success. More organizing and reacquainting myself with a few of articles that I had saved as potential readings.…

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Rise of the iSwarm: A First Global Look at the Rhizo14 Auto-ethnography

I started my analysis of prepositions in an earlier post by analyzing two sentences from the auto-ethnography, one written by Maha Bali and one by Sarah Honeychurch. This quickly revealed to me that I was not going to manage this analysis by hand.…

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Challenge 1: Finding open content to open a course

This is not a surprise. In a perfect world, I would be able to share – in an open course – a selection of both academic and (thoughtful) practitioner readings that point to common themes and/or raise questions about our thinking or assumptions concerning enterprise social networking.…

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#MSLOC430 course design: My current starting point

I have posted a draft version of my current syllabus in a Google doc along with some comments for context. I’ve cut out some of the graded assignment language and a few other things that are only meaningful for enrolled students in the course.…

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Popping the lid off my class #msloc430 for #wolweek

This definitely requires coffee. So my official start is tomorrow morning (CST U.S.). But here’s the setup. For the past few days I’ve been noodling how to tweak the design of my course – which deals with enterprise social networking and knowledge sharing – and include others in a larger learning experience.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs