Ethics for MOOCs: Assertive Humility

So in my last post I introduced the idea that engagement of complex spaces such as in cMOOCs requires ethical choices. We must define the open, shifting space to make sense of it, deciding what is valuable and what is not, what is in, what is out, and how it should be arranged.…

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Ethics for MOOCs: Complex vs. Simple Learning

I’ve just written two things that have left me dissatisfied, and both of them had to do with ethics. The first was a long comment on France Bell’s post Cycling between private and public in researching Rhizo14 about the recent article she wrote with Jenny Mackness, Rhizo14: A Rhizomatic Learning cMOOC in Sunlight and in Shade.…

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The Role of Values in Designing Learning Experiences

Where decision need to be made, values are present.  Values play a signficant role in the design of courses and learning experiences.  As a way to reflect upon this fact, I pulled out a few definitions of instructional design and began to explore the role of values. …

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“It’s Not Going Away”

My brother George recently wrote the post “Denying Our World” where he recalls a compelling narrative that causes him to reflect upon what it means to live ‘online’ and our associated imperative as educators to teach to this reality.…

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