Relecting on #teachtheweb Week 1: Making as Learning

Last week we launched #teachtheweb, a Mozilla Open Online Collaboration (MOOC – more commonly “Massive Open Online Course”). The first week was all about Making as Learning, and today, I’m going to write a reflection. Not an update about Webmaker stuff, not a plug for the MOOC (which is awesome, and you should totally join it), but a reflection on the idea Making as Learning and whether or not that’s always true.…

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Hacktivity Kits != Event Agenda, but they sure are close…

In an ongoing effort to make Hacktivity Kits as useful as possible, I thought I would explain (quickly) what they are and how to use them. They are designed to be the “meaty” part of any Webmaker event. The kits contain the Big Picture, an overview with learning objectives and stuff about how you might assess someones learning.…

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Vodcasts: what are they good for?

 Vodcasts: What are they good for?

This project was for the second module of my MSc in Multimedia and Elearning: Introduction to Action Research.  It was a difficult module to get started on. In fact, I spent every weekend of the first two months intending to start work but just ending up with a very tidy house and garden!   

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Design Project Rationale

This design project has been designed for students studying Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) Level 3.  The syllabus consists of six units, which are based on acquiring the knowledge and practical skills required by employers. The ability to use spread-sheets is a fundamental work skill for accountants, and the AAT have included the new unit ‘Using Spreadsheet Software’ at the request of employers who need employees to be IT literate.…

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Mobile learning


Mini Project 6  of Assignment 1 (MMEL)

In 2011, an extra 6 million people in the UK used their mobile phone to access the Internet than reported in 2010, and the rate of growth in the use of this technology was fastest among those aged 16 to 24.…

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