

I’ve been thinking about sharing. I participated in last night’s etmchat -an interesting challenge as the tweets quickly scroll by. One topic had to do with one’s PLN and sharing and I wrote

PLN like rings in the water – different levels get different contributions – links, blog posts, direct contact

I started to think about my online presence and my PLN.…

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The Vulnerability of “Learning Publicly”

The last two sessions  “Intro to Connected/Learning Network” and “Sharing is Accountability” have given me a lot to think about.  Alec used the phrase “learning publicly,” and the idea really resonated with me.  Then today Dean Shareski said we are all doing research in our classrooms every day. …

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Visualizing Connections

The relationships we build with other online learners will vary depending on the frequency of our connections and the nature of our sharing and collaboration.  In this diagram,  I’ve drawn on my personal experiences in specific learning environments, in an attempt to highlight the intellectual and emotional connections I’ve made with colleagues.
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Networking: Food for Thought

This evening I participated in my first large-scale Twitter chat as part of #etmooc, (which, if you haven’t been following, is a great online educational technology professional development experience).

The conversation summarized some of the topics we’ve been talking about for the last week, such as introducing ourselves, acknowledging our PLN (professional learning network), how/what we share, and how we contribute to the learning of others.…

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How to Draw a PLN – An Exercise in Reflection

After the #etmooc Blackboard Collaborate session Tuesday night with Alec Couros on Connected Learning, I started to think more about my PLN and the prompts that were suggested. How would I define my PLN – in words, in imagery? Being a visual person, I wanted to represent it with a graphic, so I started to think about the best way(s) to do that.…

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Haunted by Les Nessman

ImageI admit it. I’m one of those.  I build walls and compartmentalize.  Here I am in a MOOC with all of these open, free, thoughtful, experimental people who are blogging, tweeting, etc about any number of subjects.  Here I sit, painfully eking out my second blog. …

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#Etmooc Adventure 2013-01-22 02:57:44

After having ended the Connected Learning BB Collaborate session on a seemingly excited note, I’m happy that they are recording the sessions!  There was so much information, the chat window was going a mile a minute, and it was difficult to effectively multitask.  …

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#ETMOOC ….the ride begins


I like to keep things simple even in the midst of apparent I am picking three words to describe what I want to focus on in this MOOC: community, communication, and transparency.
Community–building a sustainable network for learning and personal growth
Communication–how to encourage and support engagement through multiple tools and techniques
Transparency–making learning visible, sharing motives without hidden agendas

Tagged: #ETMOOC, connected learning, online communication, online community, PLN, self-directed learning.

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