Expanding Universes #etmooc #midleved


Small Universe: My Hub

I’m still getting a handle on this #etmooc. And I think I’ve got it. If you are still unsure, just watch the video at The Clever Sheep by Rodd Lucier. He discusses the hub of our #etmooc.…

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Thinking: It’s Emotional #ETMOOC

I’ve met some fantastic and caring people in this first week of  #ETMOOC . I’ve already posted about how Ben Wilkoff has guided me. I’ve also met Lorraine Boulos, a fellow middle school teacher. We’ve discussed so much about inquiry based learning and blogging, and feel a common bond in how we enjoy teaching students through inquiry and […]

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My About #etmooc: What is it?

  #etmooc January-March, 2013 A journey of connected conversation with colleagues, newly noticed… What is it? et: educational technology mooc: massive open online course massive: hundreds of participants open: free and open to all online: all online course: personalized course: what do you want to learn?…

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Joining #etmooc to Connect and Learn

I finally took the plunge and joined #etmooc! I have been watching the course grow and evolve online for a few years now but I had never actually jumped in and signed up. I was always worried that I didn’t have the time (still a bit worried about that) but after successfully completing my first MOOC in 2012, I feel like it’s time to give this a try.…

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Introduction to #ETMOOC

#etmooc logoI am very excited to be participating in #ETMOOC. If you want to know more about this massive open online course about education technology and media, please check it out and sign up! etmooc.org

Here is my introduction so that other participants can have a glimpse into who I am.…

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ETMOOC – Who is Brian Metcalfe?

The Educational Technology and Media MOOC has invited all participants to introduce themselves by stating:

We would like you to introduce yourself to #etmooc. Declaring your identity, through letting us know a bit about who you are, will help participants better relate to and connect with you.

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Learning – Motivated by MOOC Madness

I believe in serendipitous learning. For those educators who are connected online, or consider themselves to be part of a professional learning network or  PLN, such learning opportunities present themselves with regular frequency. Readers who have followed my blog for the past year know how exited I was when Darren Kuropatwa sent me an email suggesting that I might like to participate in a free, “massive open online course” or MOCC called Digital Storytelling – DS106.…

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Importance of Professional Development

I’m currently completing my 3rd year of a 3 year concurrent education program. In my second year practicum, I had planned a workshop to encourage teachers to use SMART Boards in their classrooms. I would love to plan a different workshop this year, but am hindered (thus far) due to the political issues taking place.…

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Opportunity for Learning

Are you an information technology or computer science teacher who is really interested in your craft? Are you a truly reflective teacher? Do you look for opportunities to improve every day? Do you relish the chance to use a new tool to add interest and variety to your class?…

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