Can storytelling and content courses play nice?

In a society characterized by uncertainty and rapid change, the ability to think creatively is becoming the key to success and satisfaction, both professionally and personally. For today’s children, nothing is more important than learning to think creatively – learning to come up with innovative solutions to the unexpected situations that will continually arise in their lives.

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Digital Storytelling Pop-Up Video

I participated in an etmooc session about Digital Sotrytelling for K-12 hosted by Darren Kuropatwa yesterday. You can watch the archived session here, view Darren’s Slides and check out the session resources here.

During the session Darren had participants record 5 seconds of video and share it with him.…

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Dare to Know and Compose Our Own Metaphors

Photo courtesy of Flickr user ::big daddy k::

This week, we are supposed to think about the power of metaphor in propagating a message of salvation or destruction about the future; what opening up education means to us, and the “Internet of Things”, when “the who” telling the story is not a “who”, but a thing that blogs, a blogject, and how its perspective circulates culture and carries ethical, social and political ramifications. 

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Digital Storytelling: Embracing the Creative

I don’t think I like digital story telling.  There, I said it.

Yes, I have a story to tell. Yes, I can do this digitally.

No, I don’t wanna.

Maybe I’m just from another generation (I’m 51) and just like having the story in my head, after reading the words on a piece of paper.  …

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It’s a Wonderful Life, Barbie!

A six word story too!

So Tuesday’s Daily create on DS106 was to make a film of my favourite line in a movie. I decided to take Ken and Barbie out for a stroll again but I had a problem. Ken has no clothes and I didn’t have time to go shopping for a trench coat ( I was thinking ‘Casablanca’).…

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The TALONS Guitar

In its natural habitat

All the places we have been: TALONS Guitar Photoset on Flickr. There’s also some pics posted by others under the tag, TalonsGuitar.

Originally posted on the Introduction to Guitar blog, as a response to the Tell the Story of Your Guitar assignment.  

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Barbie and the Seven Deadly Sins-DS106

So I have posted Barbie enacting four of the seven deadly sins to the DS106 website. I want to thank Laura Gibbs for turning me onto DS106 (even prior to our current assignment). I had so much fun with this assignment, shopping at Value Village for the dolls, thinking of the various scenarios (lust was the easiest!)…

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#etmooc Digital Storytelling Experiment: Nebraska Winters


credits: Original panel imagery by Anonymous/Unknown

Created as an experiment in digital storytelling for etmooc!

Tried using the Visual Poet app, as recommended by Margaret at

Filed under: ETMOOC, Professional Development Tagged: Digital storytelling, educational technology, etmooc, Storytelling, visual poetry

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